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Everything posted by JoshHd6

  1. JoshHd6

    What would you do (or have)

    2dr blazer get a single 18" BTL and 2500 watts
  2. JoshHd6

    My van and new toys!

  3. JoshHd6

    18" BTL

    Planning on ordering my btl this weekend..should i add everything to it for daily..or just cooling? with 2500 watts could i tell the difference in a loaded and not loaded btl?
  4. JoshHd6

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    i gotta 2xx all them..lol
  5. JoshHd6

    Scott need your help on a damaged speaker

    i just dont know why ur making something small a big deal..
  6. JoshHd6

    Happy Bday ShawnFleming

    HAPPY B-DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. JoshHd6

    Where are the competitions

    what size btl and power?
  8. JoshHd6

    How much does a BTL weigh

    how much does a fully loaded 18" btl weigh?
  9. JoshHd6

    How much does a BTL weigh

    haha..thanx man..
  10. JoshHd6

    RE + Fi = fire

  11. JoshHd6

    new 18

    vids?? looks good is it fully loaded?
  12. JoshHd6

    What Fi sub...

    Are you an idiot? nG lol..i didnt know it was a dual 4...
  13. JoshHd6

    Power for the fully loaded BTL

    if ur running it daily..i wouldnt go over 2500 watts..just to be on the safe side..
  14. JoshHd6


    looks good..
  15. JoshHd6

    FI Q vs Kicker L7

    if u really wanna kick his ass..get a 12" btl..lol
  16. JoshHd6

    Fi Bl or BTL with RF T20001BD

    id do the btl with that power..
  17. JoshHd6

    Fi Bl or BTL with RF T20001BD

    oh yeah..ive seen ur vids....looks awesome
  18. JoshHd6

    Pictures Are Here!!!!!!!!!!

    glad ur happy..r u 14?
  19. JoshHd6

    12 or 18

    dont put 2k to the BL daily..most id put is 1500
  20. JoshHd6

    Got My Sub..Pics coming soon!

    no need for all the threads..
  21. looks good..juss get a ps3..
  22. JoshHd6

    Recone my sub?

    15" audioque hd3 dual 1.5 coils is there anyway i could have this reconed to a 18" btl?
  23. JoshHd6

    Recone my sub?

    ok..thats what ill do then..
  24. JoshHd6

    Recone my sub?

    i would if they built a 18" sub..lol