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Everything posted by CHRIS 323

  1. how to set the right frequencies
  2. CHRIS 323

    Could the Dcons take this power?

    no clipping and distortion ill say yes
  3. CHRIS 323

    F250 replacement

    best way to find out is to call then
  4. i get it for cars that are PCM controlled you need the voltage regulator lol sorry for the stupid question i have a 2005 jeep grand cherokee V6 would i need a voltage regulator and whats the price on those regulators ?
  5. whats a 340a SMD 2012 with external regulator-
  6. CHRIS 323


  7. CHRIS 323

    FI BL 12's on 3,200 watts

    did you use the discount code SMDDD1 ????????????
  8. CHRIS 323

    SLOW build on a 2001 GMC Jimmy

    really nice build
  9. CHRIS 323

    Fabrication for my 2001 Elantra Gt

    look at the difference
  10. Customer service. i cant decide between mechman 320a or dc power 270xp any opinions I would go for the Mechman. DC Power has had a lot of problems with their customer service lately. This is just my opinion but with a purchase like that I suggest reading into past customer experiences. my car has the PCM thing would that affect the performance of the alternator ?????
  11. CHRIS 323

    Fabrication for my 2001 Elantra Gt

    nice box and next time do your pics at tinypic.com
  12. im glad you got help cause i haven't gotten none lol
  13. Customer service. i cant decide between mechman 320a or dc power 270xp any opinions
  14. CS before purchasing meaning ????????
  15. CHRIS 323

    FI BL 12's on 3,200 watts

    your in SD theres alot of SMD nuthuggers with DD1 maybe since you a SD guy they'll help you out getting your gains done
  16. CHRIS 323

    a Broke Ninja's Celica build

    nice box
  17. CHRIS 323

    Which 6.5" components?

    ill do alpine kicker pioneer kenwood they all sound good for $150 or less
  18. CHRIS 323

    18" in an Escape build

    are you looking for something like this ?
  19. CHRIS 323

    shipping on a subwoofer?????

    he has to take it out with UPS or FEDEX
  20. CHRIS 323

    shipping on a subwoofer?????

    my 2 FI SP4 18s came out to $1128 and $65 to ship them both out
  21. is DC power any good ???
  22. who ever told you that shit is a straight up lier..... and thats not a mechman. so mechman koo then ? so a singer ?
  23. CHRIS 323

    Help with tunning ports for BLs

    nice box
  24. i heard mechman are slipping in quality
  25. CHRIS 323

    99 Civic, 2 RE SEX 12's, SS 2500w

    cool build