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Everything posted by CHRIS 323

  1. do you have any audiocontrol equipment
  2. CHRIS 323

    4 15' D-cons in a tahoe. thank's Aaron

    well just 1 amp for all 4 subs ????? im not trying to be a dick here but thats like trying to fit 50 people in a mini van atleast you need 1 amp per sub
  3. CHRIS 323

    4 15' D-cons in a tahoe. thank's Aaron

    4 15 dconz off 1 brz2400 ? WTF you serious
  4. CHRIS 323

    Subs Smells At Higher Notes.Why?

    either your clipping or your subs hate high notes or both
  5. CHRIS 323

    Subs Smells At Higher Notes.Why?

    theres some device called a DD1 you might consider buying one
  6. CHRIS 323

    just paid for a zcon!What rms are you pushing yours at?? HELP

    pictures of current stuff or this thread is worthless
  7. is it ok to have a optima yellow top under the hood and two kinetiks in the back since they both AGM ? or a optima up front and two xs power in the back ??? thanks to those that take their time on replying to my NOOB ass lol i appreciated
  8. CHRIS 323


    the xs power batteries rest on 13. something and the yellow top rest on 14. something will this be a issue
  9. CHRIS 323

    ShiZZZoN's Build #2 The Epicness of 2011-2024

    im tuned in for this build
  10. CHRIS 323

    opinions on this comp set?

    just get something more common
  11. CHRIS 323

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    im tuned in for this build
  12. CHRIS 323

    Where the @#$# are my Fi SP4's

    how much they weight ????
  13. CHRIS 323

    Where the @#$# are my Fi SP4's

    nice sub bro
  14. i seen one other person but thats it i saw it on facebook this guy posted a pic similar to mine on audiocontrol's wall they told him to send it in i already send my dqxs for service twice something is wrong with this dqxs
  15. music was playing then it stopped i go back and check everything and i notice this what cause this ???
  16. CHRIS 323

    2005 jeep grand cherokee build

    epicenter bas restoration then the dqxs digital EQ / CROSSOVER then the MATRIX line driver
  17. i have the audiocontrol DQXS & EPICENTER & MATRIX how do i connect them 3 together ????
  18. CHRIS 323

    2005 jeep grand cherokee build

    i decided to install this since its just sitting in my closet
  19. CHRIS 323


    thanks for the info
  20. CHRIS 323

    help HIDs keep flickering

    i bought some relay but they keep flickering