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Everything posted by Budah93

  1. Budah93

    upgrade time

    What options did you get on yours?
  2. Budah93

    upgrade time

    They just seem very similar to my sa15s. That's my whole thing I don't want to get a super similar sub to what I already have
  3. Budah93

    upgrade time

    I don't have the funds to get the icons as much as I would like to do so. if I get the ssd i'll get a pair of 18s instead of 15s
  4. Budah93

    Durango Rattle Control

    I don't think there is enough room to put anything bigger than like some paper between the plastic.
  5. Alright well thanks for the input!
  6. I have a 1999 Dodge durango with the infiniti speaker system. I just put kicker components in the doors. I'm wanting to install a four channel up in the next day or so. My question is should i remove the infiniti amp up in the kick panel or just leave it? Thanks Guys!
  7. does leaving connected effect anything?
  8. I don't have the jimmy anymore. I got a 99 durango
  9. I've been in the market for a new head unit with a screen. I can't get a double din so i would have to get a flip out. Multiple have people have told me to not get a flip out because of my subs. They said subs will greatly damage them. Any truth to this?
  10. I really wish i could get a double din because i like the looks of those wayyy better
  11. i'm running sa15s on a saz2500d so they get decently loud but if i'm gonna spend over 300 i don't think i want to risk not being able to use it long. I wish i could fit a double din in my suv
  12. sold the jimmy and got myself a 99 durango. Time to put some components in. So these are my options that i'm looking at. Which of these would you guys recommend if any? I'm also up for suggestions but trying to keep it right around $100 right now. Thanks guys
  13. Budah93

    Components for new suv

    any help guys? all these speakers are blown in the durango and i hate driving with out music
  14. Budah93


    I don't have the patience to carbon fiber something. I'm not overly good with that kind of stuff. I'd rather have it professionally fixed. Just my opinion.
  15. Budah93


    My buddy tossed a golf club in my car and punctured my SA15. I was wondering if they can be reconed and how much i should expect this to cost. Thanks gus
  16. Budah93


    I'm not patient enough to do that lol I'll probably just spend the 80 bucks and get it re-coned.
  17. Budah93


    what would you do about it then?
  18. Budah93


  19. Budah93


    I don't know how to add pictures i have saved on my computer and it's not on the dust cap its on the actual cone
  20. Budah93


    right under the sundown logo
  21. Budah93

    I'm a dumb ass.

    Feel free to shoot me an email at: i'[email protected]
  22. So just turn my music up to where I listen to it and adjust gain until is sounds good?
  23. I got my 2500d today in the mail and i want to make sure i get it all tuned up nicely so i don't damage anything. I went completely brain dead about where to put the lpf and ssf so if you guys could help me out on that? My box is tuned at 35 hz. Secondly I have my dmm and I'm thinking I would set the gains somewhere around 1500 watts, so √1500= 38.73 would that be an ok tuning for my sa15s or should I turn it down a bit? I know they are rated at 600 a piece but I've been told by multiple people on here that they can take more if the power is clean. I'm just listening to music on them so I don't need it cranked up but I want it to be able to shake people inside of my car.
  24. Budah93

    Upgrade or re buy?

    I had a kid at school offer me $700 cash for my SA15s in the box. I payed 500 for the subs and box new so i'm almost positive i'm going to do it. Now, the question is do I buy the exact same subs and get a box built and take the $200 profit and get some components or something like that or do I slightly upgrade. If upgrade, what would be some good subs to look at. I'm running an saz2500 for my amp
  25. Budah93

    Upgrade or re buy?

    i have like a $600 budget because i need about 100 for the box supplies. I do like the icons power handling but i've never personally heard them is my only concern with them.