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About JJordan791

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  1. JJordan791

    2 DCONS.. Amp Suggestion?

    Between the two, if they are properly setup the Bl should be better for spl. I would look for a different amp though. reason why? i dont really have the money to spend much more then that, and has good reviews and is decently priced. + id rather give my sub a little less juice then have to downgrade on my sub to buy a pricier amp.
  2. JJordan791

    2 DCONS.. Amp Suggestion?

    ok. so here is what ive come down to. The Amp im buying is a power acoustic 2000/1 BAMF at 2 ohms it puts out 900rms So with that said, im torn between 1 15" Fi BL + will 304$ or 1 ICON 15' Both i think would perform well on the given amp. Whats my better option for spl?
  3. JJordan791

    2 DCONS.. Amp Suggestion?

    Ok, then what would you suggest, i have 600$ to spend on 2 subs and a amp... open fo suggestions but you kinda just was like eh sounds dumb but didnt offer what you though would be better in my price range,
  4. JJordan791

    2 DCONS.. Amp Suggestion?

    yes thtd be awesome, im not ordering for about a week anyways, just trying to get everything figured out before the day im gonna order. and if i was to decide on buying the aq750, what would be the optimal box for this? ~1 cube net per driver. Tuning will be based on your taste, but I'd go for 33-34. I have no idea what that means :/
  5. JJordan791

    2 DCONS.. Amp Suggestion?

    yes thtd be awesome, im not ordering for about a week anyways, just trying to get everything figured out before the day im gonna order. and if i was to decide on buying the aq750, what would be the optimal box for this?
  6. JJordan791

    2 DCONS.. Amp Suggestion?

    yes thtd be awesome, im not ordering for about a week anyways, just trying to get everything figured out before the day im gonna order.
  7. JJordan791

    2 DCONS.. Amp Suggestion?

    with that being said, what would be the optimal enclosure for what im trying to do? im aware prob ported? but possibly a couple links of enclosures that would do the trick?
  8. JJordan791

    2 DCONS.. Amp Suggestion?

    The DCONs are much better quality than the RFs. Also made in the USA! exactlyy what i wanted to hear, i kept convincing myself the rfs were better, for no reason becase ive never owned rf or ssa, but in comparison... would the 2 dcons be persay louder then the 2 rfs in the means of rattling your car apart.
  9. JJordan791

    2 DCONS.. Amp Suggestion?

    for the money, i could also get 2 rockford fosgate p2's they have a rms off 500 each, and are a little cheaper then the dcon. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_34856_Rockford-Fosgate-P2D2-12-11P2D212.html Ive just heard such good stuff about both products, but where i'd be spending the same amouth of money on either i want the most boom for my buck
  10. will be buying 2 DCON 12's Dual 4 ohm Subwoofers. looking for a amp in the range of 200$ that will power these properly. will be using a dual champer ported box, each chamber is 1.8 c/f and the sub is recomened 1.75c/f But on the other hand im also very much considering a single 12" ICON with a ported enclosure matching specs. In reguards to excurrsion and making allot of noise, will i be able to afford a amp to get the single icon to outperform the 2 dcons for spending about 200$ on a amp? I drive a cobalt, subs will be going in trunk Thank you very much in advance, for any possible information.