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Everything posted by madscientist

  1. madscientist

    which to get

    Thanks for the help guys. I just ordered 2 12" SSDs this morning, along with an SAZ-1500D from SSA. I'll let you know how it turns out.
  2. madscientist

    which to get

    I should have in my possession a SAZ-1500D soon and so I need to get some sub(s) for it. I have been thinking either a 12" BL (ported) or 2 12" SSDs (sealed). I'm honestly mostly concerned with getting loud, but I don't want it to sound like utter crap either. It's going to go in a trunk, so I'm trying to keep the space used down to a minimum (under 3 cubes if I can help it). Which of these would be best for overall loudness? I have no experience with ported setups so I don't know how it would sound, but from what I've read, I think I should go ported. I listen to mostly rap, so SQ is of little importance. I'm also open to other suggestions - I was considering a single AA Havoc before SSA stopped selling them. Thanks for the help.
  3. madscientist

    which to get

    hyundai sonata chit either way you go your gonna be happy. what do you mean by that?
  4. madscientist

    which to get

    hyundai sonata
  5. madscientist

    which to get

    Honestly, I was leaning towards this option. My only concern is that it wouldn't be loud enough for me. Can you tell me why you would vote for this option?
  6. madscientist

    looking for help, please

    So I plan on taking advantage of the SAZ-1500D sale this month and I am going to need to decide which sub(s) to purchase as well. I'm looking for a little guidance in this respect. I own a trunk car so I'd like to keep the size of the box down if at all possible - I'm thinking under 3 cubes. So that probably leaves me with either one 12" ported, or 2 12" sealed. I guess I could do 1 15" sealed too. I listen to mostly rap, so SQ is of little concern, but I don't want it to sound like complete crap either, at least to me. I have been thinking of either a 12" BL or 2 12" SSDs. However, I'm definitely not firm with these choices. I'm looking for recommendations. Again, looking for something to get loud, but not a fart box either. I'd like to retain some musicality I suppose for those rare times when I do listen to other music. Thanks guys. Once I get this part locked down, I'll be looking for more help with the front stage.
  7. madscientist

    looking for help, please

    I had thought about the Icons, but I thought I heard they are out of stock until August. Unfortunately, I'm not that patient and will probably be ordering something in the next week or two. So I think I'm going to go with one of my original choices - either a single 12" BL (ported) or 2 12" SSDs (sealed). I only have experience with sealed woofers, so I don't even know what a ported box would sound like. But from what I hear, I might enjoy the sound of a ported woofer. I understand that it's install dependent, but do 2 12" SSDs sealed have the capability of getting louder than a single 12" BL ported, in ideal boxes?
  8. madscientist

    Effects of box size

    Looking at sub manufacturer recommendations, box sizes for each sub can vary by quite a bit. I'm just curious what the difference is. I know that a larger box decreases power handling of the woofer, but is there any difference in sound? Is a smaller box more susceptible to peaking? Sorry for the newb question - I'm trying to decide what will fit in the trunk. Thanks guys.
  9. madscientist

    looking for options

    Well as far as power goes I plan on getting the SAZ-1500D. So about 1500-1600W. It's been a min since I measured the dimensions so I can't remember exactly. I do know a 4 ft^3 box was too big (it would fit, but leaves me with no trunk space. If I had to guess, I don't want to go over 3 cubes. That's why I was leaning towards the RL-Ps in 3 cubes @ 34 Hz. However, I was a little nervous that that tuning is a little high. Then again, I know nothing of ported boxes. Never built one. I really should measure the trunk again, but these singel digit temps are keeping me inside for the time being. So has anyone run the RL-Ps in 3 cubes @ 34 Hz? Does it sound OK? I'm guessing it will get loud, but were you happy at normal listening levels (then again my normal listening levels may completely differ from someone elses)? It's very difficult to ask questions because its all very subjective and completely dependent on how my car is going to interact with the equipment I put in it. But I'd still like to hear your opinions. Thanks guys.
  10. madscientist

    looking for options

    So I'm really considering picking up two 12" RL-Ps for the new car. I've been reading through the forum here and it seems like people have nothing but great things to say about them. Add that to the fact that they have relatively small ported enclosure recommendations, and you have piqued my interest. The old system was 2 12" Infinity Reference subs (sealed) with 300W on each in a Cavalier. Sounded like crap, but at least I had some bass. I have said goodbye to that car/setup almost a year ago now and I really need something in the new car. I still have to measure the trunk to figure out how much space I want to give up. But I'm thinking along the lines of 3.2 ft^3, tuned to 32 Hz. I know I had measured and planned out 4 ft^3 box, tuned to 32 Hz for 2 12" SSDs, and that was too much space to give up. I know the 3.2 ft^3 box isn't much smaller, especially considering its more like 3.5 ft^3 when taking sub displacement into consideration. I guess the question is will that box be all right for these subs? My main goal is output, but I don't want it to sound like complete crap either. I listen to mostly rap so SQ isn't really on the top of my list for priorities. I would go sealed but I know I would lose output. On the other hand, as long as I can get this setup louder than the last one, I think I'll be happy. Can anyone recommend other subs that could possibly achieve my goal? I may be convinced to run sealed if I can get the results I want (read more output). I'd like to keep the budget around the same price range as the two RL-Ps. As far as power, I pretty much have my heart set on the SAZ-1500D. Thanks in advance for the help. If I haven't provided enough information, let me know and I'll give you all the details. PS - I know a lot of this is install dependent. Just looking for opinions based on your own experiences.
  11. madscientist

    looking for options

    Besides the two ported RL-Ps, I have been also considering: 1) 2 12" RL-Ps sealed 2) 2 12" SSDs sealed 3) 2 12" Qs sealed 4) 1 12" Q ported 5) 1 12" BL ported Too many options. You guys gotta stop making so many good woofers - its making deciding too hard.
  12. madscientist

    XT-2000D vs MD.1D

    I have trying to compare the MD.1D and the XT-2000D for a Q15 I hope to be getting soon and other than the price, I haven't been able to tell the difference. They put out the same power and the other specs I have seen have been comparable. So why the difference in price? Also, is it correct that each of these amps put out 1200W. The US Amps site says 1200W for each, but I have seen some say 1000W, some say 1050W, so I don't know what to think. Thanks for the help guys.
  13. madscientist


    I'm curious why there hasn't been any mention of these amps since the preorder shipped out. There was a lot of talk up until then and I sort of expected some reviews to follow. Maybe I missed it but I dont remember seeing anything. So how is everyone liking these? I am considering picking up a couple and just wondering how they are performing for people.
  14. madscientist


    Yeah, that's true. I was just surprised that no one came on here and said "hey this is a great amp." There always seems to be a lot of talk about the 1500D - just surprising to not hear about the 1000D. I'm sure its a great amp. I've heard enough good things about Sundown to warrant a purchase - just deciding whether to go 1500D or two 1000Ds. Ah, well that is an easy one, especially if you already have subs. If you have a 1 ohm load, 1500D, if you have a 2 ohm load, two 1000Ds. In either event unless you are running competition at loads under 1 ohm / voltage over 14.4 volts the pair of 1000Ds will be more powerful. Well, I don't have the subs. But I am leaning towards a pair of 12" SSDs with copper coils. I have heard that they will be OK on a 1500D, but I can't help but want to put them on 2 1000Ds. Always been a fan of overhead and plus I want to make sure I get the most out of them.
  15. madscientist


    Yeah, that's true. I was just surprised that no one came on here and said "hey this is a great amp." There always seems to be a lot of talk about the 1500D - just surprising to not hear about the 1000D. I'm sure its a great amp. I've heard enough good things about Sundown to warrant a purchase - just deciding whether to go 1500D or two 1000Ds.
  16. OK, so if I don't have it completely backwards, I understand that the higher the preout voltage, the lower the gain can/should be set because the amp doesn't have to be as sensitive of the incoming signal - so the amp can put out full power with the lower gain. My question is since the gain isn't set as high, is the amp drawing less current because of it? Or is it drawing the same amount of current as a signal with a lower preout voltage and higher gain setting? Just curious.
  17. madscientist

    loudest setup

    So I know that the output of any system is going to be install dependent. However, because I don't have the opportunity to hear any of these subs in person, I was hoping that maybe someone could tell me (read guess) which setup would be the loudest, in general. I am considering running one of the following setups in the trunk of my Sonata. (2) 12" SSDs w/ copper coils sealed with SAZ-1500D (1) 12" loaded BL ported @ 32Hz with SAZ-1500D (1) 15" Q sealed with unknown amp If I can muster the strength to spend more than I really want, I might also consider (2) 12" Qs sealed with 2 SAE-1000Ds. Basically I have decided (arbitrarily) that I would like to play somewhere in the mid to high 130s if possible. Since I have no idea what it takes to get there or what kind of setups can reach these numbers, I was wondering if I am close to these numbers with one of these setups or if I should rethink my whole stategy. I know its impossible to predict what each setup will do in my car and since I have never even heard what 135 dB sounds like, I dont even know what I am getting myself into. All I know is that I want a setup that will get loud when I need it to, but retain musicality. Also, if you have other suggestions, I am open to anything. My only requirements is that it doesn't take up more than 3 cubes and 1500-2000W is the limit powerwise because I dont really want to spend too much redoing the electrical. Thanks for the help guys.
  18. madscientist

    loudest setup

    Thanks guys. I really don't know what to expect from any of these setups. My last setup was (2) 12" Infinity References powered by a JBL GTO601.1 in a Cavalier. It did OK while I was broke and in college, but now I am looking to do my first real system. I just don't want to spend $1000 on a substage and then not be happy with it. I think I could live with high 130s if thats reachable. Denim, can you do me a favor and PM me a price for a SAZ-1500D and maybe a price for 2 SAE-1000Ds? Just trying to see the difference. By the way, I have been looking mostly at Fi subs because they seem to have the highest cost/benefit ratio for what I am trying to accomplish. Am I overlooking something? Thanks again.
  19. So the plan right now is to pick up (2) 12" SSDs for the new car. Originally I was going to power them with a SAZ-1500D and call it a day. Now I have been pondering the idea of powering them with 2 SAE-1000Ds for a little extra juice and a little overhead. I just don't know if the price difference is worth it. So the question is which do you think I should do? I've heard the 1500D is underrated with the right electrical, but will I get more out of this setep with the 2000W? Thanks in advance.
  20. madscientist

    battery in the trunk

    Thanks for the help - looks like I will go with no isolator.
  21. Just out of curiousity, for those that are running batteries in the trunk, how many are running them without some kind of isolator? Are you seeing any issues? For those that are running an isolator, what are you running and where can you find them? What kind would you recommend, if any? I am thinking of running a Yellow Top in the trunk, or possibly a Kinetik. If I went with Kinetik, which battery do you recommend (besides the 2400 which I think would be a little extreme for a daily driver, but maybe not)? Thanks in advance.
  22. madscientist

    which amp(s)

    I was planning on getting the SSDs with the copper coils only.
  23. madscientist

    battery in the trunk

    I will have a stock 130 amp alternator up front powering either a SAZ-1500D or two (2) SAE-1000Ds which will push what I think will be two (2) 12" SSDs. [until I change my mind,] My setup will be very similar to yours, theabunai. I think I might go with either a yellow top or the Kinetik equivalent, depending on the price I can get each for. So it seems most people don't even use an isolator if the system wonn't be played with the car off. I rarely if ever do that so I think I'll be OK. Now how exactly are you guys wiring these? Does it go "starting battery"------fuse--------distro--------fuse-----"trunk battery"------fuse------sub amp(s) Do I have too many fuses? Where should they be located?
  24. madscientist

    Which would you do?

    I am having the hardest time deciding on a sub/amp combo for my new car. I am putting this in a trunk so space is a factor. I'd like to retain some space. The poll lists some of my top choices. I'm also considering porting a Q 15 with one of the amps listed or even porting the SSDs if I decide I can live without a little less trunk space. So my question to you would be if you were looking for LSQ, which of these setups would you choose? If you would do something else, please tell me what that would be. Just FYI, the electrical you would be working with is a stock electrical featuring a 130 amp alternator.
  25. madscientist

    Which would you do?

    OK, so I am pretty sure I have decided to go the (2) 12" SSDs with copper coils powered by the SAZ-1500D. Thanks for the help so far. Now I am toying with the idea of building a ported enclosure for them instead of a sealed (because I can be a basshead, especially during the summertime). However, I'm concerned about space issues. If I was to seal them, I'd stick them each in about 1.0 to 1.1 cubes a piece - people seem to be happy with that setup. But I haven't read about too many ported enclosures for these guys. I understand there are recommendations on Fi's page about recommended sizes for a ported box, but I am just curious what people are running and how they are working for them. I think I read that with the copper coils the enclosure doesn't have to be as large, but I don't know what that translates to. I'd like to keep the tuning around 32 Hz (I think - I have 0 experience with ported enclosures). Thanks guys.