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Everything posted by RobertJasonRuiz

  1. RobertJasonRuiz

    amp suggestion

    so which is better to have? 1 or 2?
  2. RobertJasonRuiz

    amp suggestion

    is there anything wrong with the hifi 3000.1 its alil cheaper and has alil more rms .. would that be fine for these subs? iknow i said i wanted a few more rms but shit if its cheaper and alil more power why not..
  3. RobertJasonRuiz

    amp suggestion

    there going to be 2 voice coil thoiught about getting 1 v-c but would there be a difference ?
  4. RobertJasonRuiz

    amp suggestion

    forgot to metion there gonna be 2dvc,flatwind,and cooling option.. site says there rated 1000rms so maybe like 200-400 rms more... and the only electrical upgrade im going to do is big 3 and 1 x-tra battery and maybe new alt... but that will come later no hurry to install at this moment just getting everything first..!