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About Qbenjamin

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  1. Qbenjamin

    The Mag is here.

    I will continue to wait until you post some feedback with some real power. I need to know if it will be able to take 750-1Kw daily. If not, then I will stick to the old Mag. Sux that no 15's will be released.
  2. Qbenjamin

    Need sub changed

    I was thinking the same thing.....
  3. Qbenjamin

    The Mag is coming!

    I would like to know this also, as I really don't want another 12" sub.
  4. Qbenjamin

    The Mag is coming!

    the anticipation is driving me nutz.... Will there be any pre-order news announced after the beating tomorrow?
  5. Qbenjamin

    Buying a Q18" recone kit?

  6. Qbenjamin

    Contacting Flakko/Jeremy

    Yep, don't even bother replying, I decided to just go with the Kicker ZX700.5.
  7. Qbenjamin

    Contacting Flakko/Jeremy

    I have been trying to get in contact with him also, as I need the price on the AX5600. I am almost at the point of saying "F" it, if he can't respond or clear his inbox. If the customer service is going to start out bad, I would rather not be bothered with the company.
  8. Qbenjamin

    Sundown flex video

    That sounds terrible, but the flex is pretty good.
  9. Qbenjamin

    I really dont like Fi anymore!!!

    Are those stickers intended for use on the vehicles' body or the window? I am trying to get window stickers.
  10. Qbenjamin

    I really dont like Fi anymore!!!

    LOL @ all the responses, but yeah when I bought my subs I didn't get any stickers either. Thaz koo though, they usually are just eyesores for thieves. Just for kicks, if you have the FI logo in Silver, please send a couple my way
  11. Qbenjamin

    FI BL D4?

    I don't like running my Q on my amp due to the .7ohm coils. Even @ 2 ohms, that's only 1.4. My amp is stable @ 1.5ohms, but a lil closer to 2 would be even better. I figured a D4 would have more like 1.75 ohms per coil. Wire it down to 2 ohms, and I would feel more comfortable with the coils being above 1.5 total ohm load.
  12. Qbenjamin

    FI BL D4?

    I want to get a BL to add to my collection, but I want a Dual 4. What's the extra cost from FI to do this? Thanx in advance. P.S. Only other options I would be choosing would be: P chamfer and Cooling.
  13. Qbenjamin

    FI Q Recone

    Will do. After I break it in, I will get a vid up for ya.
  14. Qbenjamin

    FI Q Recone

    Hey Scott, I had the sub in a previous enclosure that I don't know the specs of it exactly. The new enclosure is 2.3 CUF tuned to 30HZ. I had it designed by IonLSQ, and I built it. I am currently using an Pioneer Avic D3 as my H/U. Thanx for your time.
  15. Qbenjamin

    FI Q Recone

    Well, I didn't think that was bad, having it @ +4, as it will allow up to +15. I know that having it up too high only clips the signal.