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Everything posted by frogcase2002

  1. frogcase2002

    static sound from speakers

    I'm hoping its a bad ground or something, Since I don't have a ground run from front to back batts. . . I don't think the gains are set to high. I did just set them by ear but I'm really easy on my audio. I don't hear any kind of stress on any of the drivers. The sound quality is really really good right now but there is just that little static/hissing noise coming from the speakers. . . . Seems like its louder on the right side but still comes through all drivers...
  2. frogcase2002

    static sound from speakers

    I just installed the head unit and the amps. I didn't notice hearing anything right when I hooked everything up but noticed it the second time I went out to listen to it. . . I didn't hear anything when testing the amps inside my house and the head unit is brand new
  3. frogcase2002

    static sound from speakers

    I'm running an active front stage. I have a clarion cz702 head unit...... 4 crescendo pwx's on a ppi a600.2 and 2 audioque tweeters on a ppi a200.2 Let me know if you have any question's
  4. frogcase2002

    static sound from speakers

    And it does it when its on the radio, aux, Cd, usher. Or whatever I try.... and its sometimes worse than other times
  5. frogcase2002

    what sub is this

    Anyone happen to know what this sub is?
  6. Any pictures of the sub? What enclosure was it in and where were all of the settings on the amp set at?
  7. frogcase2002

    good budget build

    Yeah that's what I have heard. They did me pretty good in the past but they also weren't being pushed and I wasn't hitting over a 146db at 34 hertz sealed at the dash on a term lab meter.What were you running to get that score?
  8. frogcase2002

    2 12" zcons 4-6k trunk wall

    Should be nice! Let me know if you ever want any help with the build.. How much power are you thinking about running?
  9. frogcase2002

    2 12" zcons 4-6k trunk wall

    Trying to get some work on the new build done. But Kinda backed up on other peoples enclosures. Hoping to get the front stage done this weekend
  10. frogcase2002

    First car, desiring first sub

    I think I would rather do a 12 in between 2-3 cubes than a 15 in 3
  11. frogcase2002

    my evil build

    3.3 cubes after displacement on each chamberrunning a crescendo bc 3500.1 on each box tuned to 33 Able to go any bigger? im gonna see how they work first,if needed will go bigger on amps.....since cant go any bigger in my trunkYea I was talking about the size. Think they would do a lot better in at least a cube more each. Sucks its a trunk. I really like the build .good work and good equipment!. Iv been sitting here waiting for evil 12s for my trunk wall
  12. frogcase2002

    my evil build

    3.3 cubes after displacement on each chamberrunning a crescendo bc 3500.1 on each box tuned to 33 Able to go any bigger?
  13. frogcase2002

    my evil build

    What's the specs of the enclosure and how much power right now?
  14. frogcase2002

    what sub is this

  15. frogcase2002

    what sub is this

    Lol. Don't know how to find out what kind it is
  16. frogcase2002

    what sub is this

    C'mon Impious you know those arent too shabby No there shitty lol. A friend got it in a trade and we are trying to figure out what it is. . . The dust cap says fi and dude he got it from said it was an mmats
  17. frogcase2002

    what sub is this

    Sorry. Was about to put some more pictures but wasn't able to sign on for some reason....
  18. frogcase2002

    outter diameter for the hcca 15

    Thanks for the input. I will be putting a support between the subs on the top and bottom.
  19. Iv seen saz2500s for 4-500 used. If you can find a deal on craigslist or something
  20. frogcase2002

    outter diameter for the hcca 15

    Ended up doing this. Seems like it will be ok
  21. frogcase2002

    2 12" zcons 4-6k trunk wall

    Thanks. And yes really nice subs. Cant wait to get some real power on these
  22. frogcase2002

    2 12" zcons 4-6k trunk wall

    Thank you. I really liked it to but need more space in my trunk and wanting to try a round port. . I'm going to do the baffle the same way but will have the round port on the driver side next to the subs and the top will be a little lower so I can put amps on top of the box. Also don't think I had enough port area with the last enclosure
  23. frogcase2002

    wtb 12" basket for my zcon

  24. frogcase2002

    wtb 12" basket for my zcon

    I need a new basket for one of my 12" zcons. Let me know if someone has one cheap.
  25. frogcase2002

    2 12" zcons 4-6k trunk wall

    Anyone know anything about the stetsom 7k 12v. ? Can get one for cheap local to me but don't really know anything about them. How much of an upgrade do you think it would be from my aq3500