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Everything posted by frogcase2002

  1. I usually make my baffles the exact shape as the opening into the cabin when doing a "trunk wall" . Seems to make it easier for me to seal off.
  2. frogcase2002

    2 12" zcons 4-6k trunk wall

    How much you need? PM me Pm'ed
  3. Probably just trying to do what most people try to do. Get as loud as they can while still sounding decent playing music
  4. frogcase2002

    2005 tahoe road to 150+ db

    Ethos yet?
  5. frogcase2002

    2 12" zcons 4-6k trunk wall

    Anyone know a good brand/model of ca glue I wouldn't have to order?
  6. frogcase2002

    ETHOS 18" Ordered!

    Bet you cant wait to hear that thing!
  7. frogcase2002

    2 12" zcons 4-6k trunk wall

    I just don't know an axact kind to get
  8. frogcase2002

    2 12" zcons 4-6k trunk wall

    I need some ca glue!! Lost the glue and accelerator that I ordered with my recone some how. . . . . Where can I get some that's just as good? I don't wanna wait a week+ to get more
  9. frogcase2002

    any help on this?

    Everything was fine before whoever hooked up your last head unit
  10. frogcase2002

    any help on this?

    His windshield wipers are not working but the fuse is not blown
  11. So you have installed the pwx's multiple ways with multiple crossover points and have just sounded like strait garbage to you in every way? I'm in no way saying there good speakers I'm just saying I have heard worse that were more money I would say there far from the best but forsure wouldn't say garbage really? lets see some measurements? oh wait
  12. I would say there far from the best but forsure wouldn't say garbage
  13. frogcase2002

    Sub usable for parts?

    Ill give you 50 for it
  14. frogcase2002

    Sub usable for parts?

    You can sell the motor. What sub Is it? Icon?
  15. I would work A LOT more on the front stage than putting 6by9s in the rear
  16. frogcase2002

    Johnathan Price Demo of DSS Ethos

    Just been wondering. Why do you keep playing it with the motor off?
  17. You can check out my build log. . Didn't post pictures of everything Iv done but mite give you ideas
  18. Make sure you find every area that gos into the trunk. There are a lot of little spaces where air can get back into the trunk. . I have used a lot of spray foam lol. . . .yea forsure get some pictures up so we can better understand everything
  19. frogcase2002

    06 Pontiac GTO mild build

    Hell yea! Car looks good man. Cant wait to see the progress
  20. frogcase2002

    Swift's 2012 F250

    Forsure waiting for the progress!
  21. frogcase2002

    12s in 4th order VS 15s ported

    Are you just not happy with the output?. . . Where are your settings on the amp set at? How did you set gain?
  22. frogcase2002

    12s in 4th order VS 15s ported

    Is it 7.5 by 7.5 square or a round port?. . . Where/what direction is the enclosure in the vehicle
  23. frogcase2002

    12s in 4th order VS 15s ported

    Port size?
  24. frogcase2002

    12s in 4th order VS 15s ported

    Your current enclosure mite not be what you think it is so I would probably figure all that out first. . Because who knows, it could be way off and you mite really be happy with a regular ported enclosure designed right. . . . . When you get a chance post the dimensions of the enclosure and port area and length. .and Type/thickness of wood