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Everything posted by frogcase2002

  1. frogcase2002

    Baltimore Riots

    I dont care if a dude was just walking down the street and the police kill him for not a single reason. It doesn't mean people act retarted and try to destroy a city. Just shows how stupid everyone is
  2. frogcase2002

    2 12" zcons 4-6k trunk wall

    Would anyone be interested in any ppi art amps?
  3. frogcase2002

    Lee's Avalanche Build

    What kind of wood is that?
  4. frogcase2002

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    On meds yet? Stop the booze. Beer seems to be worse than anything but alcohol itself is a huge problem. Drink a metric fuckwad of water. 90% chance you're dehydrated. Try a gout diet too.... I don't know how much that will really hell, but it's worth a shot. On a side note Aleve is the strongest antinflamitory, but like all of them you have to be on it for a month or so to build up proper levels if you have a chronic inflammation issue. I used Aleve and Tylenol to the point of abuse to deal with my arthritis. It helped marginally but my inflammation is so much more systemic when it comes to pain. Anyway, cold seems to help gout vs my arthritis cold makes it worse. YMMV, but a cold compress would be worth a try. Your feet the worst part I assume? I got meds when I first got it when I was like 20 but never kept up with them. . Yea the foot is soooo bad. Thats where it is most of the time it flares up. . . . I just always deal with it and tell my self ill go back to the doc once I can walk decent but then once it goes away I just forget about it untill the next time it flares up. . But its WAY worse than its ever been right now so mite have to really go to the doc this time. . Ill forsure try to drink alot more water and maybe ice it if I can even put ice on it. . Feels like my big toe is being riped off and someone digging around inside my foot
  5. frogcase2002

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Yea I drink. Trying to cut down though. . If it will help with the gout I mite have to just stop. . It is crazy bad. I dont understand how real old people can handle this
  6. frogcase2002

    Big Germ's Build Log.

    Good job man. . Forsure has more in it. Mite want to try a regular ported enclosure though
  7. frogcase2002

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Anyone know anything that would help gout?
  8. frogcase2002

    Never is Enough, What Next?

    Have you faced subs and port back?
  9. frogcase2002

    Never is Enough, What Next?

    Forsure try a ported enclosure. And has to be designed for your subs. . I just did an enclosure in a newer malibu and got over 4 cubes net in there
  10. frogcase2002

    wall help

    Well first you need to figure out what kind of space you have to work with
  11. frogcase2002

    4-18s DSS ethos on 12k

    Whats up with the "angled back baffle" ? Am just curious, forgive me if im a retard. I dont see what your talking about You dont see where ONE point starts.. and the OTHER ends ? BACK BAFFLE, thats been .. "adjusted"....... SEE angle iron, SEE STACKS of wood...... Guess my phone is shitty. I just see black behind the amps lol
  12. frogcase2002

    4-18s DSS ethos on 12k

    Whats up with the "angled back baffle" ? Am just curious, forgive me if im a retard. I dont see what your talking about
  13. frogcase2002

    New Member From Hawaii

  14. frogcase2002

    WTB old L7's, RE XXX's, amps etc

    Use your flip phone. LOL whats wrong with my flip phone
  15. frogcase2002

    WTB old L7's, RE XXX's, amps etc

    Pm me and I can text you pictures . Not letting me put pictures on here like I used to
  16. frogcase2002

    6 18's 60k Yukon

    Should be able to get pretty close
  17. frogcase2002

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    the "want to wash your car" type is the best most of the time
  18. frogcase2002

    WTB old L7's, RE XXX's, amps etc

    And a sherwood xa-1240q
  19. frogcase2002

    WTB old L7's, RE XXX's, amps etc

    I have a ppi a600.2 and a200.2
  20. frogcase2002

    2 12" zcons 4-6k trunk wall

    Yes it does. . It will give me extra time to get everything else ready though
  21. frogcase2002

    2 12" zcons 4-6k trunk wall

    Man cant wait to get the van build rollin. . Got to just play the waiting game for now
  22. Well at least he is on here and is getting some truth
  23. You mind saying where you work?