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Everything posted by frogcase2002

  1. frogcase2002

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Looking for suggestions on the front stage in my mini van . . Sub stage will be 2 zcon 18s on at least the rms of the subs. B pillar flat wall . . Was thinking an 8 in each door with a couple tweeters or hlcd's . Just trying to get ideas before I finish the sub stage. Should be playing around spring time
  2. frogcase2002

    zv3 or x series

    Still think you should get the ssa evil though lol
  3. frogcase2002

    zv3 or x series

    Yea for just a single x there wouldnt really be a reason for running more than that
  4. frogcase2002

    zv3 or x series

    Yea I guess its the scv now
  5. frogcase2002

    SA 6.5 CSv2 commponet set

    You just wouldnt turn the gain up as much. It dont matter to have to much power as long as you set the amp right
  6. frogcase2002

    SA 6.5 CSv2 commponet set

    The sundown 50.4 is a pretty nice amp for under 200 us
  7. frogcase2002

    zv3 or x series

    Let us know what you get and if you can , start a build log on here
  8. frogcase2002

    zv3 or x series

    I would say around 200 for all the wiring you need . Little over 100 for the knu 1/0 wiring kit. Then you will want some more ofc 1/0 to do the big 3 upgrade (look it up if you dont know what the big 3 is cause you will want to do that) and will need 1/0 guage copper lugs and im sure new battery terminals
  9. frogcase2002

    zv3 or x series

    Shit If you were buying new you could get an ssa evil right now and a soundqubed 2200 for around the same or less than a zv3 and sundown 2000 and that would kill them other setups your talking about
  10. frogcase2002

    zv3 or x series

    I think an x and a saz 1500 would be better than the setups your trying to complete with. . . . But whatever you get the enclosure will be the deciding factor. Dont cheap out. Needs to be designed and built for the sub you get. . . . . And also you can get a higher rms sub and underpower it for now and maybe in the future upgrade amps. It dont hurt to run under the rms of a sub
  11. frogcase2002

    zv3 or x series

    Extra recones or just cones?
  12. frogcase2002

    zv3 or x series

    One evil would be way better than any sub mentioned. Forsure need the power and electrical for it though
  13. frogcase2002

    vapeNscrape, SSA, Taramps, Juice Box, SHTNONM

    Nice pictures. Need to stay active on here more. Havnt seen you in a while. . When you planing on getting the other equipment?
  14. frogcase2002

    CRUZ87's BUILD! 4 SSA Evil 18"s, 4th order, straight wind.

    Thats what I was thinking but looks like he mite not need it lol
  15. frogcase2002

    CRUZ87's BUILD! 4 SSA Evil 18"s, 4th order, straight wind.

    Forsure going to be breaking some shit lol
  16. frogcase2002

    CRUZ87's BUILD! 4 SSA Evil 18"s, 4th order, straight wind.

    Lets see that thing playin!
  17. frogcase2002

    Progress on the Neer, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

    Ever need help with anything audio let me know. Think im like 1.5-2 hours away from you
  18. frogcase2002

    Progress on the Neer, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

    Good to hear about the pills forsure man. . Suck to hear about the car though
  19. frogcase2002

    US Acoustics Lisa

    Mite be the amp im getting for the front stage in my big build! 2 8s or 10s and either 2 decent tweeters or hlcd. Should get the job done
  20. frogcase2002

    sundown 8s

    Would have got them if it was a while ago. Was for someone elses build and they wanted them quick. Paid more for the v2s . . Thanks for the reply. Forgot to say I found some
  21. frogcase2002

    sundown 8s

    Looking for 2 sundown 8s . Either sa's or x's . . . Would like dual 4's but mite take other
  22. frogcase2002

    CRUZ87's BUILD! 4 SSA Evil 18"s, 4th order, straight wind.

    You getting another one of your amps for this build?
  23. frogcase2002

    Much fresh, such green!

    Wecome to the site
  24. frogcase2002

    WTB: 18" SSA ICON Dual 2ohm Subwoofer

    If you cant find one I have and icon motor I could sell
  25. Anyone know anything about the old Sony XM7557 . And what would be a decent price to offer someone. Someone i know is selling one and asked me to make an offer