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Everything posted by frogcase2002

  1. frogcase2002

    1996 caravan, b-pillar wall, zcon 18s

    Dust caps on and all coils reading 1.8
  2. frogcase2002

    1996 caravan, b-pillar wall, zcon 18s

    Got a frame built and sealed off real good that I can bolt enclosures to so I dont have to tare out a whole wall everytime I wanna rebuild
  3. frogcase2002

    1996 caravan, b-pillar wall, zcon 18s

    Here is the van
  4. frogcase2002

    1996 caravan, b-pillar wall, zcon 18s

    Didnt realize how dusty the recones were till I took that picture lol
  5. frogcase2002

    1996 caravan, b-pillar wall, zcon 18s

    Recones done! Getting closer and closer
  6. frogcase2002

    1996 caravan, b-pillar wall, zcon 18s

    Door pods all fiberglassed. Just need body filler
  7. frogcase2002

    1996 caravan, b-pillar wall, zcon 18s

  8. frogcase2002

    1996 caravan, b-pillar wall, zcon 18s

    Just cheap ones from parts express Woofers are At-6020 Tweeters are Vifa bc25sc06-04
  9. frogcase2002

    1996 caravan, b-pillar wall, zcon 18s

    One recone done. And door pods almost done
  10. frogcase2002


    Just got my 18" baskets in the mail for my zcon motors and the spider is only like an 8th of an inch all around bigger than the landing where its glues on to . .is this normal ?. 12 and 15 inch recones I have done the spiders have came almost to the terminals like at least half an inch from the edge of the landing. . . Kinda worried about there being enough space to glue down properly
  11. frogcase2002

    1996 caravan, b-pillar wall, zcon 18s

    Goal for this build is to do a 155 while staying tuned low. And to have fun
  12. frogcase2002

    1996 caravan, b-pillar wall, zcon 18s

    Been workin on my door pods the last couple days. Should have them done this week and hopefully finnish up the wall
  13. frogcase2002


    Anyone? Really wanting to recone my subs
  14. frogcase2002


    Got the basket from fixmyspeaker
  15. frogcase2002

    enclosure design

    Is there an experienced designer that can help me with a design
  16. Is there an agm battery that is under 7 inches tall that has the top threaded posts ? Need it for under the hood of my caravan