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Everything posted by frogcase2002

  1. frogcase2002


    Check your volts at the amp while playing kinda loud. . . . The big 3 can help. I would always do that no matter how much power im runnin
  2. frogcase2002

    New APM-2 Video Feature Teaser

    Will I be able to use it on a galaxy phone
  3. What do you want to Atchive from this setup and how my space are you willing to take up for sub enclosure and stuff
  4. frogcase2002

    1996 caravan, b-pillar wall, zcon 18s

    Dont think there really made for It .But Iv done A 4th order bandpass my car before and sounded good But a got just A regular ported louder
  5. Forsure can take that long but It Is not that hard. . How much are they trying to charge for head unit amp and speakers?
  6. You could get an eq like the eqs746 and would only need one output on the head unit to go into the eq. then it has front real and sub output . . If I was you I would just do a little research and do the labor your self. Most shit with car audio is not to hard forreal. . . Where are you located?
  7. frogcase2002

    wtb apm-1 spl meter

    Looking to buy an Apm-1 spl meter. . Mite be interested in other meters but just trying to find the best deal and would rather have the ssa one
  8. frogcase2002

    New APM-2 Video Feature Teaser

    When is it going to be available? Been looking to buy a meter
  9. frogcase2002

    1996 caravan, b-pillar wall, zcon 18s

    Had my first "bailout" today in my van . . I didnt think it was that loud lol
  10. He wasnt asking to get another enclosure for the sub he had though
  11. frogcase2002

    Baltic Birch Double Flared Kerfed Port

    Cant be that good
  12. frogcase2002

    Baltic Birch Double Flared Kerfed Port

    25 grand. Holy crap. Thats crazy
  13. Says In the first post a keenwood 10 In a sealed enclosure
  14. frogcase2002

    New APM-2 Video Feature Teaser

    Whats the price? And will the other one go down in price?
  15. Somone is selling a dcon 12 for a good price on caraudio.com.. really good condition
  16. frogcase2002

    Baltic Birch Double Flared Kerfed Port

    What did you tune it to
  17. frogcase2002

    Baltic Birch Double Flared Kerfed Port

    Well get them subs in there!
  18. frogcase2002

    Question about setup and items to buy, im noob plz help

    Rms and max are different. Does it say 110 max watts or rms on the speakers. . You only want to look at the rms rating
  19. frogcase2002

    Question about setup and items to buy, im noob plz help

    Front rear and sub outputs from the head unit would be 6 rca hookups 4 for the 4 chan amp and 2 for sub
  20. frogcase2002

    Question about setup and items to buy, im noob plz help

    Do you have a location where your able to mount tweeters from a component set
  21. frogcase2002

    Question about setup and items to buy, im noob plz help

    The ppi p900.5 would be a pretty decent amp for a whole system. Would be a 4 chan. And a chan. For a sub also. . Mite be a little out of your budget though
  22. frogcase2002

    New user here, looking to learn as much as possible!

    Welcome!. We are always here to help if your willing to help your self
  23. frogcase2002

    Contest Ideas to get more traffic here

    Could you put an option when someone signs up where they can put who referred them to the site? And the contest can be who referred the most people to come here. . But the people that join the site have to post something befor it counts
  24. frogcase2002

    1996 caravan, b-pillar wall, zcon 18s

    Anyone ran the saz 2500 at .25 ohm? . . Kinda wanna try running them strapped at half an ohm for metering but dont want to if there will be problems. . Only been at one ohm each so far
  25. frogcase2002

    In search of new Sub, Please help

    Make sure you put up a build log!