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Everything posted by frogcase2002

  1. frogcase2002

    Can this be repaired

    Amazing goop works pretty good. Wouldnt look the best though
  2. frogcase2002

    Can this be repaired

    Amazing goop works pretty good. Wouldnt look the best though
  3. frogcase2002

    SSA Racing and Audio Central PA

    Bad ass man
  4. frogcase2002

    SSA Racing and Audio Central PA

    Bad ass man
  5. frogcase2002

    SSA Racing and Audio Central PA

    Bad ass man
  6. frogcase2002

    Single twelve build - need ideas

    Shit iv ran a couple setups with single 12s and you would forsure be impressed . Zcon 12. Btl 12 . . I would love to try an evil 12. You can get pretty dam loud with a single 12
  7. frogcase2002

    Single twelve build - need ideas

    Shit iv ran a couple setups with single 12s and you would forsure be impressed . Zcon 12. Btl 12 . . I would love to try an evil 12. You can get pretty dam loud with a single 12
  8. frogcase2002

    Single twelve build - need ideas

    Shit iv ran a couple setups with single 12s and you would forsure be impressed . Zcon 12. Btl 12 . . I would love to try an evil 12. You can get pretty dam loud with a single 12
  9. frogcase2002

    2005 Silverado crew cab

    Yea if you are not using the back seats anyway you mite as well wall it
  10. frogcase2002

    New 12" Sub's from US Acoustics

    How much?
  11. frogcase2002

    1996 caravan, b-pillar wall, zcon 18s

    Well the van build mite be at an end. . On the way to slamology the rear end broke in half while on the highway
  12. frogcase2002

    1996 caravan, b-pillar wall, zcon 18s

    Well the van build mite be at an end. . On the way to slamology the rear end broke in half while on the highway
  13. frogcase2002

    1996 caravan, b-pillar wall, zcon 18s

    Well the van build mite be at an end. . On the way to slamology the rear end broke in half while on the highway
  14. frogcase2002

    Happy Birthday Aaron!

    Have a good b-day
  15. frogcase2002

    error message when clicking on username for profile?

    Iv got a few notifications saying there is replies to my build log but there is not new replies when I look
  16. frogcase2002

    error message when clicking on username for profile?

    Does that for me to
  17. frogcase2002


    When will you have the let the bass drop shirts. One was ordered for me for Christmas and havnt heard anything about it yet. . She said you guys said it was out of stock and if she wanted an evil shirt and she said she will wait for the let the bass drop one. Just wondering if there going to be back in stock
  18. frogcase2002


    Cool. Thanks man. Just got the Email. Yal need to come to slamology
  19. I think you would be fine. Just make sure you watch your voltage. And batts wont hurt
  20. I think you would be fine. Just make sure you watch your voltage. And batts wont hurt
  21. frogcase2002

    error message when clicking on username for profile?

    Have you tried signing out and back in
  22. frogcase2002

    error message when clicking on username for profile?

    Yea doin that shit for me sometimes to
  23. frogcase2002


  24. frogcase2002


    What about the Black polo Shirt In xl
  25. frogcase2002


    C Can you check on my order. #15266