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Everything posted by frogcase2002

  1. frogcase2002

    SSA Evil 1 (first SSA tweeter)

    Once these are available and amps are out ill have an all ssa build other than electrical
  2. frogcase2002

    SSA Evil 1 (first SSA tweeter)

    Thats what im sayin. Im ready to buy now lol . . If yal got any extra prototypes let me know and ill grab them right now
  3. frogcase2002

    New Build with ZCON

    Badass man . Always like seeing zcon builds
  4. frogcase2002

    DC audio lvl 4's DC 2k Cruze LTZ turbo

    Hell yea. Time to get loud! Make sure the enclosure is good
  5. frogcase2002

    Port too long?

    Should be enough . . And yes I would tune to at least 30 or so
  6. frogcase2002

    SSA 1969 Firebird

    Really nice
  7. frogcase2002

    05 sable 2 zcon 18s on 10k in b-pillar walll

    Just ordered some evil 6.5s . . Cant wait till the tweeters are out
  8. frogcase2002

    American Bass xd 12"

    Cool man . Always good to get deals on audio
  9. frogcase2002

    Wiring suggestions for my 2-18 in Zcons

    Wire can never be to big lol . . That wire should be fine
  10. frogcase2002

    (2) Fi BTL 15" - 15000 watts in the trunk

    Looking good!
  11. frogcase2002

    Just got my 2 18 in Zcons

    Just did an install in an 03 crown vic and there trunks seem huge but only was able to get around 8 cubes after all dissplacements . But this was able to remove from the trunk though so maybe could have been a little bigger if built in the trunk
  12. frogcase2002

    Wiring suggestions for my 2-18 in Zcons

    I would wire at 2 ohm at first and see how your volt are looking
  13. frogcase2002

    Wiring suggestions for my 2-18 in Zcons

    How is your electrical right now . If not the best I would stick with 2 ohm for now . . But if your electrical can take it go ahead and wire half ohm
  14. frogcase2002

    Just got my 2 18 in Zcons

    Not to sure about 2 of them in a trunk though
  15. frogcase2002

    Just got my 2 18 in Zcons

    My last couple builds has been with 2 zcon 18s . There some bad ass subs forsure
  16. frogcase2002

    Just got my 2 18 in Zcons

    Excellent choice of subs man
  17. frogcase2002

    SSAwerks 8" sub

    Would love to do a 3way front stage with all ssa . . If I can fit the 8s somewhere
  18. frogcase2002

    SSAwerks 8" sub

    8s can forsure get loud. Iv done a few setups with 8s
  19. frogcase2002

    SSA Evil 1 (first SSA tweeter)

    I think white . Cant wait to order a pair!
  20. frogcase2002

    Billy Jack Thread Dumping Thread

    You can get 1/0 welding cable for cheaper than 2 runs of "good" cca audio wire
  21. frogcase2002

    Billy Jack Thread Dumping Thread

    Im sure anyone on here would post pictures for you if you email or text them the pictures . . I would like to see it all installed. . Maybe a video to if your able to
  22. frogcase2002

    Billy Jack Thread Dumping Thread

    Why not ofc?
  23. frogcase2002

    How many cubic feet

    Forgot to subtract the width of the wood . Got to subtract 1.5 from each measurement and thats if its all just a single layer of 3/4 inch wood . . . You would have like 8.8 cubes befor any displacement
  24. frogcase2002

    How many cubic feet

    I would forsure do a single 15 over the 18 . . Iv only seen a couple cars ever than can properly fit an 18 in a trunk . . Way better to have the right space than have a bigger sub in to small of an enclosure . . . Forsure can get crazy loud with a single 15