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Everything posted by KyleBrown

  1. KyleBrown

    Sealing off trunk from cabin

    you could use parts of the trunk panels to make beauty panels
  2. KyleBrown

    Sealing off trunk from cabin

    you could use parts of the trunk panels to make beauty panels
  3. KyleBrown

    recone services, anyone interested?

    would you be able to get composite spiders, like the new ones DD uses. retain elasticity over long periods?
  4. KyleBrown

    Sealing off trunk from cabin

    you could use parts of the trunk panels to make beauty panels
  5. KyleBrown

    Sealing off trunk from cabin

    make good trim panels, duct tape, spray foam
  6. So it looks like my plans for SBN are screwed unless I can get the VA to refund the 800 they took from me and apparently they have no idea why..... Simply a debt but no backing. Shit is retarded.....

  7. Off to never never land hopefully.....

  8. Make me an XL or L depending on how they fit with yellow lettering and I'm sold, purple n gold bitches
  9. KyleBrown

    Welcome to the IHoP

    krypto has been gone for a while. Its sad
  10. food time, new dubstep too :)

  11. the warhorse has probably the highest efficiency of any amp in its range. and they go for really cheap considering. They're heavy and massive, but sexy as hell. My vote would be the IA40.1, saz4500, atomic 5k, DC5k these amp will do well over 5k on 12v and close to 9k on 16v. there's an atomic 5k fs on c.a.c.o for pretty cheap right now
  12. KyleBrown

    Which of these three 15's, on 500w?

    An OA 15 in a biggish box would get my vote out of those 3, or a diamond D3 15
  13. KyleBrown

    Sneak Peak at the new GCON (Pics p5)

    you guys disgust me with a slogan like that.... JK JK I love it!
  14. Yea, that's cool. Do 35 in a 45 when we're all trying to get to work. Don't worry though, I got your cell off your marykyay sticker in the back window. :)

  15. KyleBrown

    Brain storming for substage

    but where did eet go?
  16. Well the killer deal I was going to get on some warden 15s is looking pretty grim. I mean killer too. So I need to make a new plan. roughly 10 cubes to work with if I build in the trunk Absolute max width is 38, hieght is 18-19. I will be using two atomic AT3000.1s so 6k + So I was looking at 3 12s trunk walled (buying a second D6 12) but fitting the ports is an issue But I'm thinking maybe 4 12s in a 4th? diamond says these sweet things only need 1.5 cubes ported per to be sexy, 1.25 will work as well. But I know nothing about designing and needed space for 4ths http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-DIAMOND-AUDIO-D612D4-12-1200W-Dual-4-Oh-CAR-SUBWOOFER-/170766868411#vi-content found that 2 15s seem to be the best option. so budget is pretty high(sarcasm) 500 bucks. btw I'm running two D6 12s right now on a 1 3k with now issues. Ideas?
  17. KyleBrown

    Armykyle1's Build

    Once I get my other battery I'll trim it all up.
  18. KyleBrown

    Armykyle1's Build

    I dears and I stripped out one of my copper body grounds, so I found it a new home
  19. KyleBrown

    Welcome to the IHoP

    popeye's mmmm
  20. I hate when people answer a question with a question. You're lucky we're using email or I'd slap the shit out of you

  21. KyleBrown

    Brain storming for substage

    And I really didn't expect this from him. I thought he was a cool dude. I've texted him about 8 times now with no response
  22. KyleBrown

    Brain storming for substage

    That would be sick. I'm sure I could find a second. I know the soft parts won't be cheap. But it'll nasty be as hell. I'm gonna shoot you a text
  23. KyleBrown

    Brain storming for substage

    I'm curious if those opti's would take the kinda power I'm going to throw at them. I know the diamonds will.