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Everything posted by KyleBrown

  1. Projectdb will be selling some cactus 5ks for really cheap, bnib 800ish
  2. what's on my mind? How I'm going to afford going to daytona.... Wish gas prices would go back down

    1. Sencheezy


      sell sex is what i would do

  3. Finally nodding off... 3am, up in 3 for work, I got this

  4. Random stupid facebook post, I fulfilled my facebooke duty.....

  5. need more powa for those subs unless you build a big box, that batt will work fine
  6. KyleBrown

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    I like them shoes choo got on
  7. Did some much needed facebook updates!

  8. This whole Koran burning business is freaking retarded.... It should never have been burnt in the first place. That however does not excuse suicide bombers and killing none combatives. The world needs to stop making excuses for muslim radicals. You don't see Christians going out and killing muslims for burning the bible. They can burn down whole churches and its ok? Fuck that.

    1. ssh


      No, but you don't see a foreign army occupying US land either.

  9. if you don't understand the rotation at a four way stop, you don't need to be driving.

    1. mathewdylang


      I almost got t boned by a 16yr old girl texting at a 4 way last night... the guy across from me turned first, I was suppose to go second and she started accelerating as I was half way across. didnt even look up. I stopped and she freaked out... good times.

  10. KyleBrown


  11. KyleBrown

    meet up in Memphis area ... Feb 26th (vid)

    ban for water marks! jk lol
  12. KyleBrown

    DD Z18 on Music

    I can only speculate, having never heard one. But based on other DD subs I've heard, its musical ability seems like it would be nill, granted the inductance of neo subs is typically lower, so I dunno
  13. KyleBrown

    DD Z18 on Music

  14. closing time, time for you to go now

  15. KyleBrown

    Got scammed out of my amp!!!

    The hours I work prevents me from signing for packages, It took me almost two weeks to get a package I had to sign for one time. But I contacted the seller and told them the deal
  16. its bad when you can spend almost 3 hours digging for batteries online. Ballin on a budget! 150.5 @ 30hz will happen

  17. I need a big battery people!

  18. KyleBrown

    Got scammed out of my amp!!!

    damn that shit sucks man..... I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it gets worked out. Pretty shitty for real.
  19. KyleBrown

    beware of chrislun

    shit sucks when people get burned
  20. KyleBrown

    System Preparation

    Look in here under xs power, SSA is an authorized dealer D3100 is 370 shipped I believe?
  21. KyleBrown

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    sure, I'll be right up to help, its only a 11hr drive lol
  22. KyleBrown

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    haha thanks choo Yea I'm a fan of them for sure, I had a nice amp of theres as well until it got stolen You have no idea, these mids I just want to.... every time I see them lol Can't wait to get them in!! their amp are sexy for SQ get, chooooo better hurry up and geet demz installed
  23. KyleBrown

    One final dumb question

    best post I've seen in a while