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Everything posted by KyleBrown

  1. KyleBrown

    CDs anyone?

    320kbs or go home
  2. KyleBrown

    Video- Shirt trick with the cool guy BTLs

    I was hoping it was still a trunk like in your sig lol nice rig though
  3. KyleBrown

    Setting Gains by Ear.

    I know where they are on other forums lol. if you're burping, eh, I can't say. My car is set with all 0db tones. If you know what soft clipping sounds like, I think you'll be ok with burping 0db tones with gain matching to -5
  4. KyleBrown

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    I'll be looking for pics
  5. KyleBrown

    Video- Shirt trick with the cool guy BTLs

    nice work man, full setup?
  6. KyleBrown

    Setting Gains by Ear.

    Most music will reach -6 so I stick to -4 or -5
  7. The big 2 6 next week, hmmm what to do?

  8. KyleBrown

    SP4 or BTL?

    I would start the SP4 with 3500rms the N2 would be fine on 2k
  9. KyleBrown

    SSA just bought a Cannon T3 today. Love it.

    looks good, but I was hoping to see some shit blowing up haha
  10. KyleBrown

    All out SPL sub

    2k for all out SPL? I say go used, bump up in power z3 or zcon would be good choices
  11. KyleBrown

    WeldingSupply 2/0 vs car audio brand 1/0

    some CA companies do silver tinning, which will amount to better conductivity. Kicker hyperflex, the new HPM wire just to name a couple. It would not be worth replacing the hpm wire, but adding to it would be better
  12. KyleBrown

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    nice updates, I think the icon dust cap should be on the zcon
  13. Galaxy S2 coming in two days. I'll finally be rid of this blackberry.

  14. KyleBrown

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    why not resin the tube? and chooooo doesn't work like that :facepalm: 'choo crazy as hell' 'are choo up too?' no good
  15. KyleBrown


    da moofers yummy
  16. KyleBrown

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    looking good man!
  17. WTF!! I can't believe this, why is this even still going on?!?! Just shut it down already! Cut the power, this absolutely sucks. I have no idea how people can put up with reading this post for nothing :) have nice day.

    1. zebrabach


      I smoked meth once too

  18. Debating on these hypnotic divini 12s or build some DD 9512g subs? The DDs are kid tested and basshead approved were as there's nothing on the Divini's

  19. Good morning facebook!

  20. KyleBrown

    Bird sh*t

    My has been hit everyday this past week, then it rains lol
  21. KyleBrown

    I WON A TV

    I've done the plasma thing, chit sucks lol
  22. pepperoni pizza burger, good in theory, bad in reality....

  23. Sometimes really simple things really piss me off. Let's say you're using the restroom, you have the door locked and someone knocks on the door. You should respond in such a manner that the person knocking knows that the restroom is occupied. Not sit there in silence waiting for them to test the lock.....
