So you didn't say: I'm definitely not someone who starts shit on here, but I don't like being called out either. If you weren't trying to say...."same build house, same quality" then what did that statement mean? Emotionally he meant what he said then when reasoning and logic kicked in he came to. reality. My comment got to him thinking i said atomic amps are bad quality when i was speaking in general about different brand amps coming from the same build house. Some people are defensive for no reason So you can read minds lol? the implication of your comment seemed obvious and others agreed. Its seems as if you're crawfishing now... Can you tell me what is exactly different about the old SAZ3000 and AT3000? Other than what's scribed into the cases? Probably not. Not trying to be a dick. What I was getting at is the fact the same people make these amps. The small components could very, but the craftsmanship will remain the same. The reason my amp most likely failed was due to the fact it never received the upgrades other AT3000's received. the SAZ3000's had the same issues.... Also, when you blow subs up, it causes damage to the amplifiers and if you looked through my pics in this build you can clearly see where one coil pretty much blew up. To cause that kind of damage to coil, you'll most likely damage the amps. The amp was fixed in less than 30 minutes according to the guy who bought it. Also take into consideration that amp was made in 06. And cheezy, you of all people have no room to comment of the quality of anyone's amplifiers.... Since yours is still being repaired or whatever the deal is. I don't go on to anyone's build and put down their gear in a serious manner. I see a trend with of few of guys on here and its quite funny. The box is done for now(stovebolt busted his ass on this), and for the two people who don't hate my gear, here's a pic