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Everything posted by KyleBrown

  1. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  2. KyleBrown

    The PT Bruiser, 159.5db!!

    wish it was that easy to put shit in the trunk lol looks good
  3. KyleBrown

    wrecks wrecks wrecks

    A hatch back vette....... crazy pics man! Be safe out there
  4. I love all the full of shit posts on Facebook. It's makes my day more interesting and gives us stuff to talk about on breaks.

    1. 16K


      and were losers for liking video games lmao !!!

  5. Sometimes I wish days lasted longer than 24hrs. Or sleep was something we didn't need lol.

  6. KyleBrown

    Armykyle1's Build

    Mid 150s lol
  7. KyleBrown

    Armykyle1's Build

    I'm trying. I need 150s lol
  8. KyleBrown

    Armykyle1's Build

    swapping the hc2000 and D3100 tomorrow
  9. Heading to the strip in a few minutes. Gotta love the smell of burnt rubber and high octane fuel.

    1. 16K


      aww i thought u were headin to the strip club :P

  10. I feel like I need to complain about something.... Wish I made more money?

  11. KyleBrown

    Armykyle1's Build

    thank you, pics cooling hmmmm box threw up sitting way lower port?
  12. KyleBrown

    ShiZZZoN's Build #2 The Epicness of 2011-2024

    we want pics!
  13. I love when people plead that they've changed, yet made a turn for the worst. Thank God I got away from you when I did.

    1. 16K


      haha sounds like my EX

  14. KyleBrown

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I can't decide
  15. Work day on Monday's should be shorter

  16. Why are weekends so short :-(

  17. I love having my bass back! Playing lower than ever! Big shout out to Ryan Viviano for all his hard work on the box and helping me make it "fit" in the trunk.

    1. 16K


      wheres pics and vids !!


  18. KyleBrown

    I can has steering wheel flex?

    Honestly, they play really well. Very nice roll off, accurate and detailed. Could use better thermal abilities though. I'm going to try shrinking the box up, and lengthen the port
  19. KyleBrown

    I can has steering wheel flex?

  20. KyleBrown

    Happy 21st Birthday Mac N Cheese!

    happy birthday!
  21. Finally home. At least facebook kept me entertained on the way home :)

    I only hit three signs and two cars.

  22. It's Friday, don't post depressing shit. In other news, people are going full retard on my way through Louisiana... Brake hard going down a bridge, dropping to 50mph, block everyone in. Then hual ass to 80...
