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Everything posted by KyleBrown

  1. KyleBrown

    Just me being impatient but..

    I say get your money back
  2. KyleBrown

    WTB 2 12" zcon D2's

    for both?
  3. KyleBrown

    Audio technix deadener.....

    Its much thinner than advertised but meets the standard. Very loosely packed. The wire slips and slides in the jacket. Its highly flexible, good copper. Price is fair for what you get.,
  4. KyleBrown

    Audio technix deadener.....

    He's young, probably younger than me it seems. I hope he can get his ish squared away. Had he placed some blame on the product its self and not on the fact I didn't use a roller, I would have gone for the exchange. But his emails were respectful and prompt. I do not like putting down products, but I felt this should be shared.
  5. KyleBrown

    Audio technix deadener.....

    rofl lol. The wire is a disappointment as well lulz I'm out of acetone too.....
  6. KyleBrown

    Audio technix deadener.....

    shit happens I guess lol anyone want to buy the rest of it I have some ofc 0g AT wire as well
  7. KyleBrown

    Audio technix deadener.....

    I haven't seen anyone else do this. I think outside of the box. Plus I wasn't going to install it in someone else vehicle before I tested it. I'm very thankful I did. Yes it is a pain in the ass. I figured this would be my last time applying deadener to the area lol. I did not use the "damaged" areas. I wasted about 1.5ft to get to the "good" stuff.
  8. KyleBrown

    Audio technix deadener.....

  9. KyleBrown

    Audio technix deadener.....

    I like to do my own real world testing. I was going to be using this on a buddies truck doors. But not anymore lol
  10. You don't even know!

  11. The chronicles of life stop for no one. But sometimes you can get slow-mo :-)

  12. I don't think I've ever had that much fun eating sushi. Well eating any food lol.

  13. KyleBrown

    Armykyle1's Build

    Gotta buy another primary car. Got someone making payments on my truck. But that's paying off student loans and ish lol. Depends what you sell it for. Tim, I want you to think big booty
  14. KyleBrown

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    looks like a nice set
  15. I think Jeff(project db) has dual alts on his astro
  16. KyleBrown

    Armykyle1's Build

    you'll want too much money, and you said its falling apart lol custom tight gap 4hps
  17. KyleBrown

    Shogen's Photos...

    woooooooo flower power nice job
  18. KyleBrown

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    damn, that sucks
  19. KyleBrown

    Armykyle1's Build

    if the deal I hope goes down friday, does go down, you'll begin to get jealous
  20. KyleBrown


    looks really good
  21. KyleBrown

    Armykyle1's Build

    maybeh a wall
  22. The zombie apocalypse is nearing. Are you ready?

  23. Wooooooo time to head to work.

  24. And the insomnia settles.
