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Everything posted by KyleBrown

  1. KyleBrown

    Bassing in Hurricane Isaac(8k custom 18's)

    Might make a video after the curfew is lifted. Go get in the nasty shit
  2. KyleBrown

    hello from florida

    Welcome to the forum
  3. KyleBrown

    Bassing in Hurricane Isaac(8k custom 18's)

    gots me some beer lol
  4. KyleBrown

    Bassing in Hurricane Isaac(8k custom 18's)

    Bahaha I'll be good lol
  5. KyleBrown

    6 15"s 4th order bandpass, redumb loud.

    Looks sexy man
  6. KyleBrown

    when it rains...it pours

    rockauto kicks ass. I feel you on the storm. I'm about to get on 90 in gulfport and make a video lol
  7. KyleBrown

    Swift's 2 18in FI SP4s in 07 F250 HD

    you're mistake was holding an iPhone lol looks awesome dude!
  8. KyleBrown

    FrostedFlakeJake's Picture a Day

    I like
  9. KyleBrown

    Armykyle1's Build

    I thought I had some loom or tech flex, but oh well. Won't see it with the false floor anyway but thank you Can't have that thing moving around on you. no sir lol
  10. KyleBrown

    Armykyle1's Build

    Time for updates! What could that be for????? to help with box rise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! two speaker out put terminals stripped, so it's time tap that ass Gotta replace the phillips head set screws with hex Almost done, can't find my damn electrical tape A little zip tie action yo Not the best but I'm not complaining. And lastly...... Over the weekend the Daewoo decided it was thirsty and wanted to drink some good ole Louisiana bayou water.... I swerved a bit too hard to avoid an oncoming driver half in my lane and got a little too far in the ditch. I almost recovered but since in CAI pulls from the lower fender well, it was all over. End result was a hydrolocked DTEC four banger. I managed to fix it. No bent rods or anything. Seems to be running better than before haha. Each cylinder was full to the top. I lucked out big time. Yes, I've taken all the precautions I need too. Oil changes, throttle body cleaning, plugs ect(well I'll do those friday). You thought it was all over?
  11. KyleBrown

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    flares are yummy
  12. KyleBrown

    Is an email with an update too much to ask?

    Response to this thread Sorry _____________________ We have been very busy and short handed. Please hold tight as we try to quickly resolve this issue. Thank you Fi
  13. KyleBrown

    Swift's 2 18in FI SP4s in 07 F250 HD

    good shit man! what I don't get though, is why do 18's look bigger in your big ass truck than 18's do in my little ass car
  14. KyleBrown

    Gcon 12 vs Sa 12

    How can cooling not influence your decision? I would like it more if the SA's were built here, but they're not.....
  15. I meant two runs by one run of each + and -
  16. My teammate runs a singer and it out performs his mechaman.
  17. Keeping the gains down I think you'll be ok. Still have drop into the mids to low 12s though. I would highly suggest a minimum of two runs of OFC. Good shit too, not undersized crap
  18. KyleBrown

    Gcon 12 vs Sa 12

    coil diameter isn't everything The SA has amazing cooling. I've never used or seen a gcon, but I can speak on the durability of the SA's, having two different sets too. D6-600rms 3" coil, SA12 2.5" coil-600rms. The SA12 took more power Can't go wrong with either driver imo
  19. KyleBrown

    Armykyle1's Build

    lets throw some animals in there,.
  20. KyleBrown

    Armykyle1's Build

    it was beyond amazing lulz
  21. KyleBrown

    Armykyle1's Build

    Nu uh. Ryan did most pf the work on it. I think it needs a little more resin though. That pizza was roughly 6200 calories
  22. KyleBrown

    Armykyle1's Build

    team heavy hertz pizza
  23. KyleBrown

    21" Death Penaltys in 1999 Suburban

    Nice work!
  24. KyleBrown

    Need votes for IA Dream contest

    Please keep voting guys, I'm falling behind big time