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Everything posted by murdoc08

  1. murdoc08

    Fun night..

    LOL people in my town love them fosgates. and explodes. lol guys round here have never even heard of a TL and they all talk about how there chit hit 150 db and chit, and noone in town has a TL so how do they figure that? "Man, when i can hear you a block away you must be hittin like 140-145 dbs, man its SCIENCE" WTF?
  2. murdoc08

    2 12" ssd's or one BL?

    if i had enough power to give the ssds 900 watts apiece and the bl 1800-2000 watts which setup would be louder? got enough room for box space and all that, just woundering what you guys thought would sound louder. was gonna get a q, but ive heard that they cant get all that loud? anyways, any help is appreciated, Chris
  3. murdoc08

    2 12" ssd's or one BL?

    2 12" ssds getting 900 watss apiece or 1 12-15" BL getting 1800-2K watts. shoulda made meself clearer. my bad. and about the Q, i heard that 2 ssds would be louder? idk where i heard that from, just remeber reading that on the net. box size is not an issue for either setup.