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Everything posted by Chickenwings

  1. Chickenwings


    Hmm thats intresting to know, nd my electrical isnt too good just a HO 200 amp alt from excessive amperage, stock bat underhood nd 1 batcap2000 in the trunk nd big 3.. I still a couple more batcaps.. But hmm i was looking for a amp on this website the 500$ range (without shipping/taxes).. I looked into the stetsoms after Steve warned me to steer away from them, read some reviews and alot of people were/ are having problems with it! I guess its due to the small size maybe? Not enough cooling ? I heard the size is small because it was intented more to the ppl in brazil with smallers cars ;S duno if thats true.. But does make sense
  2. Chickenwings

    NightshaDe v.2 15 or ssa Zcon 15?

    Hmm now im really debating loll the AA mayhem im getting used/shipped for 445$ nd the zcon lets say 750$ since im in canada both r 15' arghh
  3. Chickenwings

    NightshaDe v.2 15 or ssa Zcon 15?

    Hmm are you sure about that have you heard both?
  4. Chickenwings

    NightshaDe v.2 15 or ssa Zcon 15?

    How about a AA mayhem??
  5. Chickenwings

    WTB: Sundown 2500d amp really bad!!

  6. Chickenwings

    WTB: Sundown 2500d amp really bad!!

    Ive been loooking for the past 2-3 weeks and cant seem to find someone selling it.. I cant afford 1000$ for a brand new.. So im looking for a used one.. Need to push my AA mayhem 15 with it or if anyone has a 15' nightshade v.2 i would be really interested in buying that too!!
  7. U would wanna use the same batteries in the back so if u have a hc2000 get another one of those. Dont get one 2000 nd one 3100!!
  8. Chickenwings

    WTB: Sundown 2500d amp really bad!!

    i think closest one is like 3 hrs away grrr still will need to be shipping ;(
  9. Chickenwings

    WTB: Sundown 2500d amp really bad!!

    How much u think they will sell for? For ex a saz2000 if any left or a 2500?
  10. Chickenwings

    NightshaDe v.2 15 or ssa Zcon 15?

    Thanks alot everyone for helping me out, i mite go with zcon afterall nd yes im also trying to do a single 15 with saz2500 in my 99 eclipse. Hopefully there is enough space!
  11. Chickenwings

    2 DCONS.. Amp Suggestion?

  12. Chickenwings

    2 DCONS.. Amp Suggestion?

    I suggest u get something with a 1000rms.. From my personal exp anything less then that is ' meh ' , is this ur first system??
  13. Chickenwings

    Need help aa 15' mayhem

    Hey guys, i wanted to know guys think a 15' aa mayhem would fit in my hatchback mitsubishi eclipse 99... And what amp do you guys think would be good with that sub? I was thinking saz 25/30/3500?? And if you guys have an amp that would compliment the sub i would be more then interested to purchase! Thanks
  14. Chickenwings

    Need help aa 15' mayhem

    Hmm im not sure how a 18' would sound in such a small car? Nd i have absolutely no clue how to design enclosure.. Although i will be getting it made from someone here who has a lot of knowledge abt it nd has been making enclosures for years..
  15. Chickenwings

    Need help aa 15' mayhem

    Hmm true that was actually my first plan since i was getting the 2100 hifonics for 300$ shipped rather then the saz 2500 for 700$ but then i think abt it nd im like is it really worth it? I mean i should just convince my self to wait a month or so but its sooo hard.. But yea anyhow, what i reallllly wanted to do was put 2 15's in my trunk but unfortunately they will not fit ;( i was thinking of putting 2 15 havocs or something lik that but no space... But do you think if i take out the spare tire i might have a little more space ?? Or no?
  16. Chickenwings

    Need help aa 15' mayhem

    And has anyone heard of the website woofersetc.com?? They actually have the sundown nightshade v.2 in stock!!
  17. Chickenwings

    Need help aa 15' mayhem

    Yea, u r true, but lik just because of a couple hundred dollars i dont wanna get what i didnt want in the first place you know wut i mean? Thats wut i did the first time around nd i regret it hopefully i'll find someone offering a good deal !!
  18. Chickenwings

    Need help aa 15' mayhem

    yea i actually asked chris on db-r.. but he told me that since i live in canada, the shipping will be 100$ and on top duties.. so its almost an extra 200
  19. Chickenwings

    WTB: Sundown 2500d amp really bad!!

    Ive actually got a person in canada selling me an AA 15' mayhem for 480 shipped so im really interested in that but the only problem is the amp.. Nd one more thing, i actually have a mitsubishi eclipse 99.. Nd i was wonderin if a box of the 15' mayhem wuld even fit :s
  20. Chickenwings

    WTB: Sundown 2500d amp really bad!!

    Hmm yea i have checked dbr out but the only problem is that i live in canada.. Nd the shipping is 100$ nd on top like 70$ duties so that 489$ comes close to 700$
  21. Chickenwings

    What do you think about type Rs?

    Its just that the quality isnt good, nd they dont really hit lows good or even highs.. Lets jus say its boomboooomboomzzzzzzzzzzz no surprising '' ah ha's! ''
  22. Chickenwings

    What do you think about type Rs?

    They are good, but then again they are alpines mainstream.. Personally i do not like them but i would have to say there r good for a first time system and u can find them veryyy cheap online.. U can get a whole for less then 300$..
  23. Chickenwings

    Need help aa 15' mayhem

    Thx , basically wut i planned on getting first was the re xxx 12 with an us amps md3d but unfortunately, due to budget i wasnt able to achieve my goals but instead bought a re sxx 12. But, i slowly bought stuff for wut i planned... I have a 200 amp made from nate @ excessive amperage with a interstage battery under hook nd 1 xs batcap 2000 in the trunk nd used 1/0 gauge knu conceptz. My amp is a hifonics brz 1200.1 But now, after a year or so ive planned to buy a new sub/amp. This is because i want to hear more a deep, bone tickling bass and thats y ive decided to go with a 15' mayhem. Everything is set, just need sub/amp/enclosure. Im thinking to spend around 1000-1200$ for those 3 things and i will be selling my older sub nd amp for 500$ My listening taste would include deep trance techno rap hip hop where the bass is very low! So if anyone has any tips/advice it would br great, Nd im from mississauga, ontario canada( dont c much ppl from canada @ ssa )
  24. Chickenwings

    Need help aa 15' mayhem

    Not sure how much space but the audio shop told me i could fit a 3.5-4.0 cubic ft but duno if thats enough for that? Nd yea ive been reading alot abt the sundown amps but there r really costly
  25. Dont waste ur $ on rims/system on a civic man..... Ppl will laugh.. Its a civic lol