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Jason Witt

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Everything posted by Jason Witt

  1. Jason Witt

    Trunk Rebuild

    Will do, the subs are already pulled, but everything else is intact.
  2. Jason Witt

    Trunk Rebuild

    Work begins Sunday on this project. This install will be clean as hell too. I went fancy pants and bought some awesome carpet for everything.
  3. Jason Witt

    My mistake

    Booooo lol The SSA Store sells recone kits for those subs. It's really easy to do and faster than shipping it back to the build house. http://store.soundsolutionsaudio.com/products/xcon-recone-service-kit.html
  4. Jason Witt

    can i get an alt?

    That's a shame too. I inquired about an alternator from them, and I never got a single response out of five emails over a two month period.
  5. Jason Witt

    can i get an alt?

    I love my Mechman too. I hardly ever have voltage issues and my amps love the power.
  6. Jason Witt

    sundown lincoln

    Very nice videos Jon.
  7. Jason Witt

    My First "Real" Jeep Build

    Looking really good man!
  8. Jason Witt

    Bird sh*t

    The weather has been unusually nice this winter, not too cold, snow and ice minimum. The only complaint is the heaping amounts of bird shit I find on my car just about everyday. I think the warm weather has confused them into migrating in circles instead of south just to shit on my car. I wash my car once a month in the winter usually, it has gone to every two weeks. Just as my luck would have it, a fresh wash, then birdshit. I have never had this much trouble with these creatures, I don't even park under trees. Thought i'd share this to see if anybody else has had this happen.
  9. Jason Witt

    can i get an alt?

    I am almost certain you have a bad battery. I have had experience with this same issue.
  10. Jason Witt

    can i get an alt?

    Disconnect the 2400's and test the 1800 under a load. Do you currently have your HO alt in?
  11. Jason Witt

    can i get an alt?

    What is your current front battery? Is it AGM?
  12. Jason Witt

    can i get an alt?

    The H.O. puts out more current than your stock alternator. This creates more heat inside of your batteries, and if cells are going bad, you get these issues as described.
  13. Jason Witt

    can i get an alt?

    I would try testing each battery individually out of the car after resting for at least two hours. If one of them is going bad, it will eventually ruin all of the others in time. This will also cause charging spikes like you are having, and burnt out regulators.
  14. Jason Witt

    Distortion.. No bueno

    Since you mentioned the amp getting hotter than normal, your problem could be the result of a bad connection.
  15. Jason Witt

    Distortion.. No bueno

    Try checking your fusing and grounds. I should have mentioned that earlier.
  16. Jason Witt

    can i get an alt?

    Possibly a bad battery. Sounds like the most likely answer. Big 3 upgrades done? Do you have proper grounding and wire size?
  17. Jason Witt

    Distortion.. No bueno

    You want the mode switch on LP/Bandpass setting on the amplifier.
  18. Jason Witt

    Bird sh*t

    Well yes guys, the birds are back shitting on everything. I never did get that metal carport kit, and the amounts aren't as copious as last year, but damn it gets on my nerves.
  19. Jason Witt

    Distortion.. No bueno

    Okay, try this: Use a test tone and set your SSF to 28hz. I usually set my LPF 80-100hz, and turn the gain all the way down and play a song at listening volume and turn the gain up until you hear clipping, then back it off until the clipping goes away.
  20. Jason Witt

    Distortion.. No bueno

    Using edited music is very risky if it isn't clean. Is your enclosure ported?
  21. Jason Witt

    Distortion.. No bueno

    Did you mean your SSF up from 15hz? EDIT: I just read the spec sheet on this amplifier and the high pass does go down to 15hz, but the LP/ bandpass needs to be selected so the HP filter doesn't matter.
  22. On a side note, you calculate your fusing by using Ohm's Law. The formula is simple: Total rms Wattage/ Idle Voltage = Fuse size.
  23. Jason Witt

    pinhole in power steering cooler line

    Good to hear you made it safe. x2
  24. Jason Witt

    pinhole in power steering cooler line

    Toothpick idea sounds like the best bet. Wrap that tape tight around it, good luck.