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Jason Witt

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Everything posted by Jason Witt

  1. Jason Witt

    WTB- Sundown bass knob

    I have an extra from an SAZ 2500.
  2. Jason Witt


    Did you guys know human beings function @6hz? Congrats man!!
  3. Jason Witt

    Sub suggestions

    Size? There you go. That will get loud and still sound really good doing it.
  4. The amp gets extremely hot? Sounds like a thermal overload. Too much for your amp to handle.
  5. Jason Witt

    NVX Audio any experiance?

    I have never used NVX, but I know they make batteries and other stuff too.
  6. Here is a deal.. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_40254_NVX-JAD800.4.html
  7. With the Sundown amp, it is very efficient and you have more crossover control. I think it's a good investment to get the most from your drivers.
  8. I came in a penny under budget.
  9. EDIT: See Rick's post below mine. Very solid amplifiers
  10. Jason Witt

    Loud Music Setup

    He's tired of using headphones.
  11. Jason Witt

    grounding problem or rca's?

    How do you have your signal wires ran? Alongside or on the opposite side of the vehicle as the power run?
  12. More information would help us help you.
  13. Ohm's Law is invaluable, but you must first understand how to apply it. How do you figure a 40% reserve for an alternator? There is no such thing. To figure out how much battery you will need, you must first determine how much amperage you are trying to supply. So here we go: Total Wattage/ Idle Voltage= Current draw. That is for system power ONLY. You must still factor any power the vehicle's electrical uses as well. AGM batteries usually specify the wattage amount they are able to support. I would opt for a larger alternator, and a good sized AGM battery like bassaholic said and go from there.
  14. Jason Witt

    Loud Music Setup

    The link I provided is a good start. You will defiantly hear the music over the drums.
  15. Jason Witt

    So how much can the Evil really take??

    Damn, I have 5k in my ground pounder. Maybe I should back off the powa.. Lol
  16. Jason Witt

    Loud Music Setup

    This might get it for $300. http://www.musiciansfriend.com/pro-audio/harbinger-ha120-portable-pa-system
  17. Jason Witt

    Loud Music Setup

    I do pro audio as well. $300 isn't very much to work with since you will need a signal source for the amp like a processor, and then you still have the speakers and amplifier to buy as well. $600 would be a start.
  18. Jason Witt

    So how much can the Evil really take??

    hahaha, touche' sir. Yeah, I was kinda thinking that too... I have seen A LOT more people running Crescendo amps with thumbs up, than people rocking the Lanzars. But I also have heard people say some good things about the Lanzar Optidrive line.... but I feel better about Crescendo, just from reading up and everyone's experiences... What's up with the dude on here running the Crescendo 5500D on the EVIL 18? Is he pushing the 5500 watts to that EVIL, or is it turned way down? I'm not sure where his amp is set, but Sencheezy has a nice setup.
  19. Jason Witt

    Best amp to power a fully loaded 12in fi bl

    Lol, that's why amps have gain settings. If it's too much, turn the gain down, not enough turn it up a bit. I'm sure the sub will be alright as long as you are responsible with it.
  20. Jason Witt

    So how much can the Evil really take??

    If you are torn between those two amps, here is some glue to help mend you together. Crescendo compared to Lanzar is like big tits to no tits. Go for the Crescendo man.
  21. Jason Witt

    Best amp to power a fully loaded 12in fi bl

    If you do your big 3 upgrade, adding a secondary battery should work just fine. EDIT: Keep in mind if you add the Kinetik, you will also need to use like type battery under the hood too.
  22. Jason Witt

    Best amp to power a fully loaded 12in fi bl

    How big is your stock alternator?
  23. Watching Terminator 2 after a full day of enclosure work.

    1. shizzzon


      Come with me if you want to Bass

    2. Jason Witt

      Jason Witt

      LOL! Hell yeah man!

  24. Jason Witt

    Best amp to power a fully loaded 12in fi bl

    I would go Sundown for quality and to support the SSA store!