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Jason Witt

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Everything posted by Jason Witt

  1. Jason Witt

    my whole front stage is fried

    Piece of cake. well I got the amp in and cleaned up a lot of old crap. Ran out of energy and daylight to get the speakers in. Either I don't know how to solder or I bought a shitty iron. Either way, I'm probably gonna be using butt connectors to extend the tinline crossover wires to the tweeters. I need to get some sort of metal strap to mount the tweeter in the factory location on the dash http://www.lowes.com/pd_364404-37672-884480_0__?productId=3478229&Ntt=metal+strap&pl=1&currentURL=%3FNtt%3Dmetal%2Bstrap&facetInfo=
  2. I used These But you can also trim the end of the 1/0 gauge wire to fit into your amplifiers slot Those come in handy sometimes. That is a good option if you did want to go ahead with 0 gauge.
  3. You can go as big as you like. Better a bit extra than not enough. Look for some good OFC wire.
  4. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_40316_Elite-Audio-EA-KIT4.html
  5. You have a 1,200 watt amp. Larger wire is definitely advised.
  6. Upgrade all of your wire to at least 4 gauge. Finish your big 3 as well and you will notice a difference. On a side note: It takes power to make power, and when you don't have enough made to use, your vehicle's electrical will suffer greatly.
  7. Jason Witt

    Home audio sub built into sectional couch *idea*

    You could down fire your woofer, that would in my opinion, be the best route IF you built the enclosure into the couch. The downside to that would be changing the woofer if it needed swapped.
  8. The pulley is a four groove as well. I guess I did something wrong when I put it in, but it is getting fixed. Thanks Jon.
  9. Ok, so I took it to a mechanic and it is not aligned properly. Like I said, i'm no mechanic and these are apparently some of the toughest alternators to change. It will be fixed Wednesday, and not by me. Thanks for all the advice, that's why I love this forum.
  10. So I need to buy a new top bracket is what you're saying? The one that puts tension on the belt. I'll look into that. Thanks
  11. So I need to buy a new top bracket is what you're saying?
  12. It has only recently started eating belts. I have had this alternator since 2012.
  13. How would I correct that?
  14. Am I missing something there? I am in no way a mechanic. Lol
  15. Yes, it works as it should. Up and down is the bolt behind the alt, and in or out is the nut you see there on the side. That's as good as I can get it.
  16. http://www.crutchfield.com/p_161LC2I/AudioControl-LC2i.html?tp=2001&kw=&org=pla&nw=g&crv=6541175065 Click the video tab and it explains the settings in detail.
  17. The belt is snug around the pulley and cradles it well i'd say. It's a four groove belt, and it stays put.
  18. Jason Witt

    FI Audio Adhesive is $10 per oz with shipping!!

    You can get the same glue at a hobby store as well.
  19. Jason Witt

    Home audio sub built into sectional couch *idea*

    It would be a challenge for sure.
  20. Jason Witt

    New here

  21. Jason Witt

    my whole front stage is fried

    Piece of cake.
  22. Jason Witt


    Use of the term SQL is frowned upon. You either have an SQ driver, or an SPL driver. There is no such thing as SQL. This thread will probably be locked soon.