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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. So you would go with the platinum over the xp3000?
  2. Which do you think would be better for daily? Xp3000 or the sears one?
  3. Thanks for the reviews. Im just gonna go with the xs power ones because of the great custore service and also everyone says they're really good. I dont want to buy batteries later too.
  4. I would be out there in a heart beat if I didn't have to go back to college on the 7th
  5. EPerez

    new guy from florida

  6. Hmm might have to come visit my grandma who lives in Las Vegas
  7. Have you used both the autozone/sears and xs power batts?
  8. Yea there is. Are those good batteries? Thanks ulrisa. I figure buying right the first time is the way to go!
  9. I called the 2 they had here in michigan and only one carries the Seconds but was all out. I just said F it and I'm going to go with XS Power batteries. I know I can't go wrong with those lol
  10. What batteries were you guys getting from the Deka distributor? Was it the Deka Intimidator 9a31?
  11. EPerez

    F.S. 12" AA Arsenal D2 2 slug motor

    Thanks for the quick replies!
  12. EPerez

    '11 Chevy Tahoe (Soon)

    I'd love to see some pics. I'm going with some zcons and crescendo amps too! Badass equipment.
  13. EPerez

    SSA woofer porn.... home grown

    Damn this really makes me want my zcons right now!! lol nice comparison pics too
  14. Ehh not too much cheaper. I don't know if they are better though. Maybe someone else can say if they are or not.
  15. Wait, which batteries are you guys getting for that price? Is it the 9a31?
  16. Wow I'm gonna call them tomorrow and figure out. That'd be crazy if that is here too. I'd get a few then lol
  17. Sorry I'm confused about all the distributor thing. I found a Deka Distributor in Lansing, MI which is kinda near me. Is this what you guys get them from?
  18. Ohh ok I wont buy the UPS batts then. I keep hearing about the rebadged dekas and how people get them for so cheap locally. Where locally do you get them? I thought I heard people get thehm at battery stores that are all over.
  19. I'll look at some stinger ones. I was just thinkin it'd work out good, because I could get 2 for the price of 1 XP3000.
  20. Can I ask how come? I was just wondering if they would work good for my application. What are some brands that you think are good, other than XS Power? That way I can compare some to the XS ones.
  21. I just noticed that. Go to google and type in "Discover g31 batts" and it's the first one. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&tbo=d&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=Discover+g31+batts&oq=Discover+g31+batts&gs_l=hp.3...88971.95040.0.95234.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1355534169,d.aWc&fp=c341db92e3d4d65d&bpcl=40096503&biw=1366&bih=651
  22. Check the back of the speakers. They might say what they are on the back. If not, you can use a DDM to find it.