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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. EPerez

    Ascendant Mayhem 12"

    Yea price depends on the car too. Lifetime warranty is nice, but how long you gonna have it lol I had mine for 5 months and trying to sell it now. I'd probably do the singer alt since it's 50 amps more.
  2. EPerez

    Ascendant Mayhem 12"

    No stock batt?
  3. EPerez

    Ascendant Mayhem 12"

    Hold on, I'm confused on what and how many batts ur running. What and how many batts? then I can answer your question.
  4. EPerez

    Ascendant Mayhem 12"

    Haha to the 22 ft. So have a run from alt to the second batt and then runs of 0 ga from that batt to the other batts and to the amps. You are going to need more than 22 ft, because you have 2 amps, 2 batts, and big 3 to do. Leave all stock wiring. The amps will take the least resistant way, which is the 0 ga. I'm sure you can get to a bolt on the engine block. I know that on every car i've done the big 3 on. I was able to get to the engine block from the top.
  5. EPerez

    Ascendant Mayhem 12"

    Big 3: 1. Alt pos to batt pos. 2. Batt neg to chassis. 3. Engine block to chassis. I suggest knukonceptz. They have great quality wire and priced fair. I run all knukonceptz wire.
  6. EPerez

    Ascendant Mayhem 12"

    CES is going on in vegas right now and Mike Singer is probably there so he might not get back to you until Monday. Just a heads up. I think that would be a great start. Try it and find out. Nobody can really tell you if it would be suffice. I say get an alt and then add the batteries you have now and try it out. Also check out Diehard Platinums 31m's. They're sear's batt and suppose to be some great batts. I just picked up 1 last week.
  7. EPerez

    Ascendant Mayhem 12"

    I would go with Tenney, because I wouldn't have enough money to go wiith DC. Did you check out Singer too? His prices are always good, he also has great customer service. I had a 275a alt from Mike Singer. Thang was a beast! I only go with tenney because of price difference..
  8. EPerez

    2 AQ 2200's

    That'll probably be louder than just doubling power.
  9. EPerez

    2 AQ 2200's

    If I were you, I would do this: Get another mayhem and strap the amps together at 2 ohms. Run mayhems to the strapped amps. Then build the biggest box you can fit. Have someone design you a box on here though.
  10. EPerez

    2 AQ 2200's

    Then get another mayhem. There are plenty of people that can help you with designing a box. I'm not the best for designing yet lol
  11. EPerez

    Ascendant Mayhem 12"

    DC power has a very good rep for alts. If your on a budget, Tenney alt and Singer alt are solid choices also. I don't want to tell you the mayhem will take it and it'll be fine. From what I heard, it's a awesome sub that will take a shit ton of power. I'm sure somebody will see this and put their input in about the sub on 4400 rms. I do think a smaller box would be something to think about since your running way more than rated power.
  12. EPerez

    2 AQ 2200's

    Flex might be cool, but that's something you don't want lol It decreases output. Well at least we know your box is good. I really don't know if the mayhem will take that power or if it will and how long. That's something you might have to ask AA. That's a lot of power to put to one sub. If you don't know what your doing you could blow that sub VERY easily. If you do put that much power you would want to make a smaller box. You want more output, correct? Do you have room to add a second mayhem?
  13. EPerez

    4th order bandpass ???

    Why not go with a very well designed ported box and be different by having a correct setup?
  14. EPerez

    Ascendant Mayhem 12"

    You might be able to play for a few mins, but you wouldn't be able to play for long, because of stock alt. I'm not sure how underrated the mayhem is, but I'm sure it could take what you would be able to give it. I doubt you will get full rms out of amps due to electrical. Running that much power to a single sub take experience and knowledge. Do you have that? Is this for daily?
  15. EPerez

    2 AQ 2200's

    You can't have 2 different amps together. The 2 Aq2200's could do it, because they're the same amp. What is your box like? Maybe your box is the problem? Give us some info on the box (size, tuning, port area, placement in vehicle, etc.)
  16. EPerez

    2 AQ 2200's

    Running an aq2200 and aq1200 to the mayhem at same time??
  17. EPerez

    Ascendant Mayhem 12"

    Big 3 still needs to be done though.
  18. EPerez

    M3a enough power for a SP4?

    Wow you didn't answer my question. Is it for daily?? And I didn't say anything about electrical. Patented did because not a lot of people know the big increase in current draw when going from 1 to .5 ohm.
  19. You will be happy with either amp you choose.
  20. EPerez

    M3a enough power for a SP4?

    Is it for daily If so you won't hear a difference if it was at 1 ohm or .5 ohm. I plan to only put 1.5k to each of my zcons.
  21. EPerez

    Car Audio for competion!!!!!!!!!

    Well I just ordered 2 12 SSA zcons. I plan to put 3k to them and I'm sure to hit 170+ dbsss...haha (;
  22. EPerez

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    Or when the ups guys says, "So Enrique, what are you putting in your car this time?"
  23. EPerez

    My SSA 12" ZCON Order

    Yea I read that too. I didnt say it because I wasn't sure if that's what it said. You sub should be shipped anyday now!