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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. Swift, I do have 2 2k and 1 1k rms amps, but i'm not using any of them to their potential. The bc2000s will be used around 1500 rms each and the c1100.4 will just be powering a set of crescendo mezzo componentes. They're rated at 150 rms each, but doesnt mean it has to be. So that amp is not using much power at all. I really do get that you can't skimp out on electrical and I thank you guys for making sure it's up to par. What I will do is see if it's loud enough for me with voltage being fine. If not, I will look for an bigger alt. A lot of people say these monsters get loud even with low power! Thanks swift. I'm really happy with the equipment I have right now. Also Rick and Alton are great guys.
  2. I doubt i would set it to exact rms I want, but something in that range. Like I said, I only play it as loud as I can when demoing or with friends for a short time. If it doesn't hold up well then I will search for a bigger alt and just keep gain down. Thanks Jay-cee
  3. Thanks man. I just can't wait lol
  4. That's the one I was going to get for under the hood. The only time I play the loudest I can go is when I demo or with friends. When I just drive around I keep it at low to mid level. I sort of don't want to get a ho alt. What I'll do it get both batteries and see how it does. I'll go from there then. Thanks for the advice swift.
  5. Thanks man, I just can't wait to get the box all done! Do you think that battery could hold up to around 3200 rms (subs and comps). 3k rms to 4k rms won't be an audible, so why buy all the electrical upgrades to get that last inaudible 1000 rms right?
  6. I absolutely love dark tint. It's way beyond legal lol. Here is michigan you can't have anything on side windows except 35%. I don't know if 35% is the law or the cops won't bother you with that on. The windshield can have no tint at all except the under that line like 4 inches down. Any of the side windows are just pitch black. You can't see into the car no matter what. The windshield you can just see the u of m parking pass on a cloudy day and on a sunny day you can just make out that there is someone in the car lol I love the privacy. One of my friends has been doing tint for a while now and is really good. He did my whole car for 175. He only uses the good tint. No autozone shit. I have no problem with the police (knock on wood). I don't drive like an idiot, so I don't really stand out other than the 12k hids. Also, my friends mom is a cop and she can write off the tint ticket, so I don't have to worry about it. Get your build done. I want to see those 15s in a trunk haha Also my trailblazer was 5% all around and 50% on windshield. Been driving crazy dark tint since last Janurary lol
  7. Thanks! and yea the electrical upgrades were under the audio equip. It's my stock 150a alt with diehard platinum 31m. I plan to upgrade the front battery also and I have a stinger volt meter to keep an eye on everything. I'm lucky to have my stepdad help me out with the car. He also works at a ford dealership, so I took over payments and the dealership gave him to new 2013 for his demo.
  8. Bump need to sell so I can use towards new build!!
  9. Check your ssf and hipass filters. You might have those backwards and they make it so no bass plays at certain frequencies.
  10. EPerez

    Yo! Noob here

  11. EPerez

    demoing at the bassheads meet 13'

    What's your system consist of?
  12. Dan does prove a good point. If your set on the rockford, maybe see if you can get a used one.
  13. I doubt any more output. Since your other thread is about the electrical. Go with the T1000. It'll be easier on electrical.
  14. EPerez

    will my system be getting enough power?

    That wwould definitely take strain off alt.
  15. EPerez

    will my system be getting enough power?

    I'd say at least a 150a alt
  16. EPerez

    will my system be getting enough power?

    I have no idea. If your lookin at a low budget like that try singer and tenney. DC is more expensive. Hey we all say this is it but then you get addicted and want more lol.
  17. EPerez

    will my system be getting enough power?

    Do you plan to upgrade power later? If so how much? I'd say first get a better alt. I don't know how reliable that alt is from autozone. Try and get a quote from Tenney, Singer, DC Power and others to find a known quality alt. Try the alt with the stock batt and big 3 done first. Find out the voltage drop if any and if your not happy then think about an extra batt. I don't see you having to go with a huge battery in the back if need be.
  18. EPerez


    I think you have been on here long enough to know that it's a shit amp and everyone will tell you to get something better. That amps not gonna put out shit. you will keep trying to get more by tuning up gain and clip the hell out of the ssds and blow one or both. Then your out a sub and will wish you listened to us by doing it right the first time and getting a quality amp..
  19. I have 2 crescendo bc2000s and I love them. They definitely put out the power.
  20. EPerez

    Ascendant Mayhem 12"

    You don't have to get different color. You can jus wrap an end with electrical tape to remind yourself thats it's the neg side. I have no idea if that will be enough. Take your 22 ft and pretend to do the different runs and measure with a tape measure the amount you ran. Do that with all runs and you will have an idea of how much you need. Always buy a few feet extra to be on the safe side.
  21. EPerez

    Fast order?

    Did you ccheck tracking number? Your sub be shipping out anyday now!!
  22. EPerez

    Ascendant Mayhem 12"

    Your probably going to want the xs wire not xp since your running a lot of amps. I run knukonceptz wire. I like their price and wire is really good quality imo. I'm not sure how much wiring your going to need. Better measure out how much you need and add a few feet to be on safe side. It'll add up fast lol
  23. EPerez

    Ascendant Mayhem 12"

    Yes it's for safety reasons. Rather have a 5 dollar fuse pop than thousands of dollars worth of car audio burn up lol
  24. EPerez

    Ascendant Mayhem 12"

    So for your wiring. 1. Alt pos to 2400 pos. 2. 2400 pos to 3800 pos. 3. 2400 neg to 3800 neg. 4. 2400 pos to amps pos. 5. 2400 neg to chassis 6. amps neg to chassis or 2400 (add another run from 2400 to ground if you do put amps neg to 2400) This is how I would do it. 2400 to replace stock batt and 3800 for second batt