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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. EPerez

    NEW 10s

    I think swift made it pretty clear that he thinks it won't be a big difference in output.
  2. EPerez

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Haha that's what we been trying to tell you!
  3. EPerez

    Lifted PSD build log

    Good luck man. Can't wait to see it!
  4. EPerez

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Do you believe us now? Lol
  5. EPerez

    Lifted PSD build log

    Tuned in to see what your gonna get!! This is for your truck right?
  6. Yea definitely do the big 3 first. The bl does not need 3000 rms, which means you won't have to upgrade the electrical very much. I'd say get a second battery and add an extra run of pos to the batt and ground to frame if you don't want to run another neg. Also welding supply has very good wire for a lot less than car audio wire. I'd look into the sears diehard platinum battery for a second batt. I'd go with the group 34 if you aren't planning on upgrading later on otherwise get the group 31.
  7. I would just do them strapped. Its what I'm doing with my amps. So you want two brz2400s?
  8. EPerez

    Incriminator 187 10"

    Want to buy threads should go in classifieds. Just a heads up for next time.
  9. I actually like the welding cable more than knu. It's not as flexible but does every turn and twist I need it to do. Its just easier to work with. Also it's quite a bit cheaper than the knu kolossus. I don't know if I'll finish first lol we will see. I'm getting a lot done today and tomorrow though!
  10. Yea but from the dimensions you gave us, you really don't have much room for 2 12s. Are the amps strappable?
  11. I must of put in wrong dimensions. I got like 3.5 cubes before port. Hmm lol
  12. EPerez

    XCON 18 vs EVIL 18

    Zcon and Evil? Other than the one shown in the Evil thread?
  13. EPerez

    Evil Product Video

    That sub looks sickk as hell!!! Good song and video
  14. I'd say an 12" Icon if it was only one brz1200. You really only have room for a 12" in a big box.
  15. What's your budget? Are you keeping both brz1200s or sticking with one?
  16. EPerez

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Bro, just go to google and type in "Skar audio scam". You will see that all of these forums are saying the EXACT same thing about Kevin. It's not just here, it's everywhere. A bunch of forums with tons of people wouldn't be saying the same thing about him if it wasn't true. He's been known to do these types of things for years now.
  17. EPerez

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    I don't think it's as much of a prediction as it is a hope.... So it's basically hate on the new guy/company People wouldn't hate on him if he didn't do his scams and sketchy shit. Simple as that. Your trying to defend a guy that scammed a bunch of people and who now runs a business where he posts incorrect information about his products. If you want to defend him your more than welcome too, but if you really knew about him, you wouldn't.
  18. Okk so if you read my build log than you would have known that I bought some 2/0 gauge from Welding Supply. The Knu wire wasn't long enough for how I wanted it, so I bought Welding Supply's 2/0 because I've heard it was equivalent to the Knu Kolossus Flex Kable and it's a lot cheaper. Welding Supply's 2/0 and Knu Kolossus are both OFC and the Knu KCA is CCA. Here are some comparison pics between the Welding Supply's 2/0 (Right), Knu Kolossus Flex Kable (Middle) and Knu KCA Kable (Left) I'm sure some would like.
  19. EPerez

    Building a custom sub question

    Haha yea it kinda would be. To OP, why do you want a 10 inch now? Are you set on just audioque?
  20. EPerez

    Noise Pollution ticket

    I hate when people just blast their systems in subdivisons or by houses at night. I love loud systems but there is a time and place to do it. Definitely not by your house. That is how things get stolen, like someone else said. The 50ft rule is really stupid though because you can hear my stock speakers more than 50 ft. Its funny we have parties at my friends house and there's like 2 speakers and the neighbors complain so my friends mom went and got a permit to have music. The music wasn't really loud to begin with but the neighbors are just those people that complain about everything.
  21. Finished the box yesterday and just cut the 2/0 ga wire to size. Going to run the wire in a few and then sand the box and get it ready to paint! Im getting closer and closer to finishing the build!
  22. EPerez

    Building a custom sub question

    They don't make hdc3 in the 10" model.
  23. EPerez

    15 to 18

    Ok just making sure the 18 would fit properly. Are you ttrying to get more output?
  24. EPerez

    Which sub to get... need suggestions

    http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/index.php/product-information/icon.html That's the icon page with all the info.
  25. EPerez

    Where is my glue???????

    There ya go bro. That's the one I used for my recone before and also used it for A LOT of other things. Really good strong shit. Just dont get any on your hands, clothing or anything you don't want glued haha I'm sure there are other loctite products that will be pretty much the same but in different little bottle. The .31 oz size should be enough also.