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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. EPerez

    '05 f250 new pics thread

    I bet ya that got them a little excited
  2. Haha its funny, I always end up fighting guys older than me. Im 19 next month and he is 22. Another guy I fought last summer was 21. Messed that guy up after he sucker punched me.
  3. EPerez

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Im pretty sure everyone knows whats happening. You obviously dont understand anything anyone is telling you.
  4. No vid lol no one thought we were going to fight. I just have that pic of his face.
  5. EPerez

    New Here

    Welcome to the forum!
  6. EPerez

    D1 or D2

    Then just get the D1s so you can run the amp at 1 ohm.
  7. EPerez

    D1 or D2

    Do you plan on getting another bc3500? You said you want spl so im guessing your going to comps. D1s if you want to just keep the one amp. D2s if you want to get another.
  8. Uhh so a little update. I went to a party with some friends last night and a guy started messin with one of my REALLY good friends so I followed the guy out to the garage to figure out was going on because I want to know both sides of story before anything happens. Well this guy and his friends pulled both of my friends out of my friends car and took a bowl from them and threw it in the snow!!! I dont know why. I just think they were really drunk. So my really good friend was sayimg why would you do that and yelling. So back to me in the garage, I asked what was going on and this guy kept saying he was going to kick my friends ass. I told him theres no way your going to do that, if you try something im gonna knock you out. He was trying to start with me and pushed me. So I pushed him back and he came at me going to punch and I threw a right and knocked him out hahaha he was on the floor for like 2 minutes. I cut his left cheek open and he was bleeding all over. A kid took a pic of his face and sent it to me and it was prettu bad haha Because of punching him I messed up my hand!! I cant do anything with it. I dont know how im going to work on my car now haha I jus got to wait till the swelling goes down and not let my mom see lol
  9. Im a little behind on all this. I have beem swamped with school so havent got much done in the past few days. 16k, I just beat the hell out of the terminal to make it flat with the wire. It worked out really good. Thanks though. And thanks for the compliments too!
  10. EPerez

    NEW 10s

    Ohh thought it might few months. If then I would of said just hold off on subs but its far away.
  11. Singer alts and tenney alts are the less expensive alts but are still great quality
  12. Are they the pioneer champion pro? 1000 rms one? You won't need 3k rms on those. ~~1500 rms would be plenty for them. Yea depending on your alt, if you do the big 3 in 0 ga and then get a decent size battery for the rear with another run of 0 ga you should be just fine.
  13. EPerez

    Upgrade or re buy?

    Well it's not that I hate them or anything lol it just make me want to upgrade my bass then which means more money spent!!!
  14. EPerez

    NEW 10s

    How soon do you think until you get a new car?
  15. EPerez

    Upgrade or re buy?

    You posted your post before I did haha Yea it would be a lot better if everyone did!! I hate when people have louder bass than me in person lol hasn't happened to me in a while but I get so jealous when it happens hahahah
  16. EPerez

    Upgrade or re buy?

    Yea youtube is not the best place to go since you can't personally hear the subs and all your listening to is the distortion on the camera. Unless it's a badass camera lol Also some cars shake and show flex way more than others. My 21" warden didn't flex my old trailblazer much more than my friend's 2 12 p3s in his focus. Obviously mine was much louder, but from a video you couldn't really tell.
  17. You need to do the big 3 no matter what. Do that and then see how things are.
  18. EPerez

    Upgrade or re buy?

    I'm not sure how they would as I haven't used both but I know people swear by the icons so it would be a good suggestion to look into. I also stated because their power handling is within your power and they fit your budget.
  19. I'm not sure if you got a quote or not from singer alts but it was much cheaper than others. I know others recommended it. I've used one and it's great!
  20. EPerez

    Typical sundown vs alpine question

    im going to attempt to build my own box haha. Good! Listen to Alton. He really does know what he is talking about and I would have him help you design a custom box to the subs and your vehicle. He designed my box for my subs and is going to design an amp rack for my amps too. He's a great guy!
  21. I don't think I can help you other than say check all the connections, which was already stated by Julian. I saw that your update said you bought this used from a guy. Maybe that could be the problem? I'm not sure, but maybe it might help someone else help you figure out your voltage drop.
  22. EPerez

    Typical sundown vs alpine question

    First telll your friend to take the type s out and build a custom box for his one type r in a ported box. I'm sure he will be amazed how much better it will sound lol Is your box a prefab or custom? You have great quality equipment so do everything right and don't cut corners and you will be more than happy with your setup.
  23. EPerez

    Upgrade or re buy?

    I would say some icons would be a good buy. They would take the power you have and are in the price range.