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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. EPerez

    Mike McEwan's Monster 157db Ground Pounder

    Yessir. I anyone who say Xcons don't get loud obviously haven't sat in this truck Haha that'll show them up
  2. EPerez

    Mike McEwan's Monster 157db Ground Pounder

    Wow everything looks so clean! Those are the Xcons right?
  3. I thought they were of the same brand. I would take the bc5500 over the skars. If you had skars the amps would be at 1 ohm each. Do you already have the subs? Is that why you need to have a final ohm load of .5 or 2? I'm not sure if you said it was for daily or not, but if it is, why not 2 bc2ks like R3dt34rz strapped? You won't hear a difference in output from the two amps strapped to the 1 bigger amp. Also the two bc2ks would be cheaper.
  4. Wouldn't both at 1 ohm be more efficient than the 5k at .5 ohms?
  5. EPerez

    What is going on??

    Same dmm as me lol well sucks your going to have to buy a 5000 rms amp and run it at 3.5ohms lol jk. Do what bromo said and let us know.
  6. EPerez

    What do I do next?

    What brand wire is it and is it copper clad aluminum (cca) or oxygen free copper (ofc)?
  7. EPerez

    BigPimpin91 Music

    Yea he has some good songs. I got some off his soundcloud but a lot already had the max downloads. If you find anything can you let me know? Thanks
  8. EPerez

    Alternator or Component set

    For sure alt! Then look for a comp set! You'll regret it if you go comps first lol
  9. EPerez

    Hifonics brutus amps

    What's your budget for amps. That will help us a lot
  10. EPerez

    what is fi bl subs max power handeling ?

    I hate when people call me on Craigslist and ask the max power. Then I have to explain to them that it's useless and only use rms. they'll either understand and learn something new or be a ignorant little ass and tell me I don't know what I'm talkin about lol funny peopleBut yea OP don't look at anythings max or peak. Always look at the rms watts of something. If your asking about the max rms the sub will take before failure, that's totally different.
  11. Alright man will do! I've been kinda sick and drained these past days. I partied all weekend and only got like 4 hours of sleep the whole weekend and i was kinda sick already so I just have no motivation to do anything! Also school is busy for me right now too.
  12. I don't think it's the product, I jus think I'm not tuning everything correct
  13. EPerez

    SSA/Crescendo Van Install from Japan

    Will do and thanks for serving our country!!
  14. EPerez

    SSA/Crescendo Van Install from Japan

    My dad was in Japan and Korea for a little bit when he was in te marines. He loved it there! He said the food was really good and so were the girls he said there were sick clubs there too!
  15. I've been so busy with school I haven't been able to download photos to photobucket and put them up. Everything is installed but something doesn't sound right :/ idk what's wrong! The low end doesn't sound like it should. I think it has something to do with the tuning. I have the audio control lc2i and I think I'm tuning that wrong. It's suppose to be help bring out the bass and I think when they say that they mean the lower frequencies. So when I get time I'm going to try and mess with it. Also I'm not sure if my rcas are bad and is not sending a good signal. Ill load the pics soon thought!
  16. EPerez

    Hey guys new here...

    Hey welcome man! I use the Torres box calc. It's better and more accurate than the re one!
  17. Kicker amp gone. Rest is still up for sale!
  18. EPerez

    Ported Box, need help!

    Yes you can use 2 ports. I bought from lowes 6" PVC pipe an it worked good. I'm sure they will have your size.
  19. EPerez

    my trunk the last 10 months

    I saw my audioque hdc3 sub in same box 2 years later on cl haha it was crazyy
  20. EPerez

    Hifonics brutus amps

    What's your electrical like? You must take that into account when running that much power!
  21. EPerez

    Member of CA-F. New to this Site.

    Welcome to SSA!
  22. EPerez

    My system?, yep. Subs in the backseat?, yep.

    theyre on one of the brz1200 @ 2ohm back to 1ohm each DD when the lanzar opti's are gone Ohh gotcha. Obviously you need some work on your system lol but I'm sure a lot of us have made stupid mistakes when we first started out. All I wanna say for learning is you will never learn it all and will always learn something new or a better way to do something. Also don't half ass anything!! Don't go to car audio shops for advice either haha ask here!!!!
  23. EPerez

    SP4 Caught On Fire!!!!

    A guy I knew had around 4 or 5 bls now! They either catch on fire or they blow. I don't know what the hell he does but it keeps happening. I highly doubt it's FIs fault though. I am pretty sure he was just clipping the hell out of the subs. Sorry to hear about your sub though! Imo I don't think they will cover it though :/
  24. EPerez

    My system?, yep. Subs in the backseat?, yep.

    Why aren't you using the DDs?