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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. EPerez

    Trouble viewing videos in threads?

    Hmm I was just watching vids people posted early today. On the computer I mean
  2. Awesome! Looks like it's going to be a fun build for you. Good luck with it!
  3. EPerez

    Trouble viewing videos in threads?

    Apple sucks man you should of got a droid haha jk yea my iPhone 4S does the same thing. Pics are fine but videos won't work. I always have to get on my computer to view videos. It sucks.
  4. EPerez

    SSA Zcon 12" D2 and Crescendo BC2000.

    Amp sold to 209er.
  5. EPerez

    Confused. haha...

    Also prefab boxes are usually tuned quite high.
  6. EPerez

    SSA Zcon 12" D2 and Crescendo BC2000.

    Forgot to put in there that the bass remote comes with it.
  7. EPerez

    Confused. haha...

    Your right he was probably clipping them like crazy send "more power" to them. I think they came out with a new model comp or something.
  8. EPerez

    Everything(amps, subs, batts, etc)

    In your build log you said you wanted to go with a 15 and 2k. I'm selling a barely used bc2k. Also another guy, Slim142, is selling a Sundown Saz-2000D.
  9. EPerez

    98 grandprix,SSA,Crescendo,build

    No problem man!
  10. EPerez

    Concerned about shipment

    It most likely hasn't shipped. They are behind on orders and it's taking longer than normal build time.
  11. EPerez

    98 grandprix,SSA,Crescendo,build

    Awesome man! Good looking install
  12. Yea sucks about that. Lol what is your goal for the Chevy?
  13. Nobody would ever guess you had a really badass system in there lol sucks to see it go but I'm sure that Chevy is going to be getting spoiled haha
  14. EPerez

    fi bl to sp4? and amps?

    The Sp4 can take that power and then some.
  15. EPerez

    Building my first.

    Then i'm sure that would be the best thing to do unless you want to make custom panels to put them up higher. The reason(I think) components are better is because the tweeter is not attached to the 6.5 making better mid bass. Like I said I think. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere.
  16. EPerez


    Yea I talked to Aaron asking about that once and he said doing 5% with the already discounted sub and free shipping is making them lose money. They just can't do that.
  17. EPerez

    fi bl to sp4? and amps?

    That's why it's not picking up the low end, your tuned pretty high for daily. Build a new box like you said first. If your not satisfied then buy a new amp/sub. If you don't really have the knowledge and experience, I wouldn't suggest running an amp at .5 ohms.
  18. EPerez


    Did you order the subs during a sale? You won't get the 5% back if it was during a sale. If it wasn't when your ready to check out at the bottom right there should be a section for your in-store credit and coupons.
  19. Looking to get 2 of the 12s!!
  20. EPerez

    sub status

    You might have to wait a bit longer than that. They're backed up right now.
  21. He started messing with my friend who was way smaller than him and I told him to stop and he pushed me. Lets just say that was the wrong thing to do lol
  22. I still haven't tuned the lc2i and the big 3 isn't completed. But from listening to it, it sounds REALLY GOOD. It sounds amazing and is decently loud even though I haven't finished those things.
  23. Getting the top all screwed on. Also my stepdad's demo from his dealership. That Flex is pretty sickkk. Box all painted. Everything installed in the trunk Front view
  24. So i decided on just having one Zcon and having just one crescendo bc2000. Box is 2.7 cubes tuned to 32hz. On Saturday and Sunday I busted my ass doing all this: Cut all the wood. My sister help me with it haha gave her $5. Starting the build of the box. Pretty much all I could do since it was 12 AM and I couldn't cut the holes for the baffles. Side of baffle glued and screwed. Test fit and it fit great!! The box was screwed up around the baffle which meant I couldn't re sell it, so me and my sis had a little fun lol