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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. What model amps? Need to know how much current your going to be pulling.
  2. The diehard platinums are great batts. What amps are you using?
  3. EPerez

    My "Why Fi" Promo vid :D Pls Like :)

    Awesome!!! Glad you one, your vid was really good. Congrats on the win
  4. Db-r is a repair place. I think they do other amps other than sundown, incriminator an RD.
  5. Try running it at a higher ohm load. Maybe the protect light is coming on because it's under 1 ohm.
  6. You need to fuse your amp's power wire always. Actually all power wires should be fused.
  7. EPerez

    SSA Zcon 12" D2 and Crescendo BC2000.

    Will do! I've been checking them out lately and now know the box requirements. Can't wait to get them!
  8. Well the X and Z v.4 have the new surround and suspension(I think it's new) and they do work in the "normal" sundown boxes, but when testing them they worked great in bigger enclosres tuned low. They told me if I wanted the crazy excursion showed in the videos, I should go with a big box.
  9. I think I'm still going to go with them. That's what I was thinking! It's crazy what the box needs to be for the 10s lol
  10. Okk so I was cruisin on another forum and saw the box requirements for the X series. For the 10s it says 1.25-2 ft3. I'm going to give it around rated power, so I'm going to put 2 10s in around 4 cubes net. Damn that's going to be pretty big for just 2 10s. Jacob also said that to really get the excursion, bigger boxes will really make that happen better.
  11. EPerez

    Sundown X Series & Zv4 Series Pre-Order Open.

    Haven't seen the box requirements for these yet. Here is the box recommendations from Jacob on another forum. Hope it helps some people out!! This is for the X series, but I'm pretty sure it's the same for the Z v.4 too. """You can use the current Z v.3 box specs as a starting point ; all of the new woofers will accept larger boxes -- for example; the Z v.4 12" In-Car Video thread box is 3 cubes for one 12" woofer and we aren't hurting the speaker. We'll be doing some real-world testing to dial it in further, of course, but this is what I'd shoot for : 10s : 1.25 - 2 cubes ported 12s : 2 - 3 cubes ported 15s : 3 - 4.5 cubes ported 18s : 4 - 6 cubes ported At higher power err towards smaller; around rated power err towards bigger.""""
  12. EPerez

    Mrmeatwad's 07 Saturn ion DD build

    this may be true although I have had no issues with it. It is ran right beside my motor and has never melted or caused me any issues other than being a pain to get into a fuse holder haha Same here, no problem with external temps with the welding cable.
  13. EPerez

    Overall louder sub for the money

    Maybe try port on the right side. Different port placement could maybe get you louder.
  14. EPerez

    15" SSA Xcon D1

    I have mine on cl and here. Everyone wants to trade lol I don't wanna trade. I need the cash for the X series!
  15. EPerez

    15" SSA Xcon D1

    I'm surprised our subs haven't sold yet. Especially your sub since it's been up since early feb.
  16. EPerez

    Your order # and when shipped

    Yea hopefully you will get your sub by then!
  17. EPerez

    SSA Zcon 12" D2 and Crescendo BC2000.

    400 plus shipping.
  18. 13.5 at full tilt? Hmm.. The 2 fused power wires are going to your batteries? Where is the power wire from the amp going to?
  19. EPerez

    Your order # and when shipped

    It will actually be 20 business days by friday.
  20. What's your electrical like? You should get a fuse inline fuse.
  21. EPerez

    excursion room

    I'd say build legs about 3.5 inches off the baffle. Better safe than sorry.
  22. EPerez

    Um... a 750wrms 8"?

    That's sexy!!
  23. EPerez

    excursion room

    No I don't but you can just take a tape measure and measure how high the bottom of the rubber gasket, where it touches the baffle, and see how high it is. Then add 1.5".
  24. EPerez

    excursion room

    I would give it about an inch and a half from the subs surround. So add an inch and half to the height from the mdf to top of surround.
  25. EPerez

    excursion room

    Are they flush mounted?