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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. EPerez

    Bassink's 2014 Fusion

    I feel like I'm getting close!!!! All the wires are ran for everything now. Tomorrow I will be painting the box and then once box is put in I can make some amp racks and then pretty much install things then!
  2. EPerez

    Skar 125.4d

    If I were you I would have went with a different brand with everything you're using. Skar has a bad rep and doesn't answer any technical questions when it comes to his designs and Kevin had some odd t/s parameters (specs) according to many people on here. I also think his stuff is too expensive. But I really haven't heard anything that bad about the amps though. Like jay-crew said if it's something that fits you're goals then buy it.
  3. EPerez

    Bassink's 2014 Fusion

    pictures?Should be able to post a bunch tomorrow after school
  4. EPerez

    Bassink's 2014 Fusion

    No they're not I have removed my rear seats today and box fits in perfect. So now all I have to do it run wires and paint then I can put everything in!
  5. EPerez

    Port Area for 2 SD-8"s

    I think it's in the say box where is sayin target vent speed or something. Put in a number from 15-20 and you'll get the port area you need.
  6. EPerez

    Port Area for 2 SD-8"s

    Use about 15-20 m/s
  7. EPerez

    Port Area for 2 SD-8"s

    http://www.bitpusher.in/?p=portarea You'll need sub specs.
  8. EPerez

    FS: DSS Magnetar

    Ohh Jesus
  9. EPerez

    2013 Chrysler 300 (Fi, Crescendo, SSA)

    Should look good! I wanna see more pics of everything like the car and amps.
  10. EPerez

    2013 Chrysler 300 (Fi, Crescendo, SSA)

    Looks good!! What's gonna be the finish?
  11. EPerez

    zcon box design question

    I totally forgot you asked me lol if you still have my number you can txt me and I'll be able to do it tonight.
  12. EPerez

    Soundqubed Box recommendations

    The left is, after all displacements, the subs and sub sizes that will fit in that amount of space which is in the middle. The right is the amount of port area the box will need for the subs. The length is odd. I think the chart is pretty confusing for new people. Also should be more custom not universal.
  13. EPerez

    need help designing a box

    We can't tell you which is better. The only way to find out is to build 2 boxes each trying a different way. Most people find subs up port back in suvs is best. I would try that and keep it the way Alton has the design.
  14. EPerez

    2 hcca 15.2

    That box design looks so sick!! Nice job like always Alton.
  15. EPerez

    FS: DSS Magnetar

    You can put it in a 4cuft box, just need adequate port area. The box size isn't probably isn't that big of a deal but just the diameter of the sub. I could fit the box just can't face the sub forward or backwards due to height. At least for me that is.
  16. EPerez

    FS: DSS Magnetar

    How the hell hasn't this sold yet??
  17. Selling these amps for a guy I'm building a box for. He is dialing back the power since he doesn't want to upgrade all of his electrical more than what it is so he's using a less powerful amp. Both are in great shape and come with bass knobs and still have 10-11 months left of warranty. sax-125.4 - $320 shipped ns1 v2 - $1200 shipped with (2) 4/0 power/ground bars buy both - $1400 shipped
  18. Id help you out if I wasn't so fucked over with school and my own build. Hit up ram designs or dc creations both do awesome designs.
  19. EPerez

    2 12s 1800w 165db!!!

    People are so dumb sometimes!!! Stupid craigslist ads
  20. EPerez

    does anyone here mushroom hunt?

    Hmm maybe one day I'll try them. I don't like the mushrooms you eat on pizza and stuff and since these are different who knows I might like them lol