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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. EPerez

    New Q 12 barely plays and bottoms out on low volume

    Pull out the sub and check it the terminals with a dmm. I'm sure all the wiring is right then.
  2. EPerez

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Same here lol
  3. EPerez

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I'm 15 mins away from Milford!
  4. If your saying it just didn't play, maybe a wire came loose or something simple. Take the sub out of the box and test with a dmm. If it reads around 4 ohms your good. Axehammer is correct. The back channels are going to be different than the front due to it being a sub.
  5. The sub will determine which ohm the amp will bridge at. There is only one way the amp will be bridged with that sub and it's at 4 ohm. It's pretty much impossible to mess up the wiring for a s4 sub so you should be right. Explain how the sub failed. Did it just stop working when playing it or did it not turn on when you started car? Did it fuck up when a certain song was played? I'm thinking a heavily clipped song was played (probably not knowingly) and messed the sub up. what were your settings on the amp? Like ssf and all that.
  6. You should of asked here first lol So you just had it on one of the channels when it was bridged to 4 ohms?
  7. How did you have the dcon wired up? Just get a recone from ssa and do it your self. There are plenty of vids that walk you through it.
  8. I have a brand new one in the box. Never been hooked up just mounted to fill the hole in the amp rack. Pm me if interested.
  9. EPerez

    Trunk Rebuild

    Tuned in too see!
  10. EPerez

    Mr. Chocolate's Scion TC Build

    Box looks really clean. Zcons get loud as balls!!! I wish I was able to keep both I was going to say the same thing about the port.
  11. EPerez

    My First "Real" Jeep Build

    Everything's looking clean! Nice install!
  12. EPerez

    So I found my noise issue....

    This happened to me last year. It was under warranty and I only had to pay shipping lol
  13. EPerez

    saz 1500d wiring help

    This is an old thread lol
  14. I'd build the box closest to the highest optimal that ssa recommends. If I were you I would tune a little higher like around 32hz. The music you listen to really doesn't go all that low. I listen to decaf and I'm tuned to 32hz and it gets it all. I would probably put some bracing in there since it's a really wide box.
  15. EPerez

    Dangrebels wall build

    Damn that's gonna be insane! 29 hz mmm
  16. Typically you use more power when you have a smaller box and a bigger box when you have a less power. Why can't you use 1200?
  17. EPerez

    amp for xcon 10

    Yea I would just go with a saz1500. It's a great amp and sundown has excellent customer service.
  18. EPerez

    amp for xcon 10

    Customer service. Read some of the threads in the stetsom sections on here. I think people were saying they were very sensitive to with voltage. Don't quote me on all this, I'm pretty sure that's what i read.
  19. EPerez

    amp for xcon 10

    I think they kinda are but can easily break and have shitty cs from what I hear.
  20. I would only have the double baffle 1.5". Everything else .75".
  21. The length will go in a L shape. You start from the port opening and continue to go all the way until you reach 33". Does that make sense?
  22. The port is 33" long. You know how you see the L shape, that's what it's length is.
  23. Check it again lol I entered it all right now. What do you mean where am I getting it from? I add length until I get the right tuning.