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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. EPerez

    Thinking about getting a new sub

    The icon would surely fit what you would want. For 400 rms I would choose the dcon.
  2. LMK if you don't find a buyer Will do!
  3. Haha no way! I love playin pool.
  4. I use the diehard platinum g31 from sears. It's a badass batt and works great. Cheaper than the kinetic and XS. I was going to do with a d3100 until people recommended the diehard. Look into them.
  5. Reread the post, he has a h/o alt and Big 3 done already. Op put a battery in the back and you should be good to go. If you don't have a volt meter I suggest you get one, I wouldn't rely on the clip indicator on the bass knob. Oops missed the big 3 part lol
  6. Do you have the big 3 done? That definitely needs to be done. I'd say a d3100 in the back as a second batt would be good.
  7. EPerez

    is this a good price for a ported 15'' subwoofer box

    For tools all I use is a t square, some clamps, circular saw and a jigsaw. I just got a new circular saw and a router so it should make some things easier!
  8. Usually what's better for daily in a trunk setup where port/sub are facing rear, either port on left or right side of vehicle?

    1. jcarter1885


      usually port on driver side but its all about testing

    2. MikeMartel


      Cavaliers are killer with subwoofer into the cabin and port drivers side. But like Jay said, every car is different so you need to test.

    3. EPerez


      Yea I know I was just wondering if one is usually louder. Thanks or the responses

  9. EPerez

    is this a good price for a ported 15'' subwoofer box

    That's usually the pricing where Im at. I know your stationed over there but do you have access to tools? It'd be way cheaper. Also birch is actually easier to cut than mdf. I don't know how much birch is where you are but here it's at least double the price for me.
  10. EPerez

    Traded Sp4 Motor & Basket for Mint DD9500

    How is your install amazing? And how is the box high quality? What do you mean by that?
  11. EPerez

    Traded Sp4 Motor & Basket for Mint DD9500

    Post up some info on the box and how you have it wired. Box size and tuning doesn't tell the whole story.
  12. EPerez

    A Chance to Win A Free Team Fi Sub!!

    I was like 200 so yea what now
  13. EPerez

    A Chance to Win A Free Team Fi Sub!!

    I did both!
  14. Pics of the underglow from when I had my trailblazer. It definitely turned heads. These were my 2 favorite colors lol
  15. Just showing that the wire was never unwrapped and the remote was always in the package.
  16. Here's the rules: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/topic/56501-classifieds-rules/
  17. EPerez

    changed my mind..

    Sounds like it'll get down. You might need another d3100 in the back. Keep what you have and check to see how you voltage is then decide. If its for daily, I would still get the 3500. No need for 5500 daily. But that's just me.
  18. EPerez

    My First "Real" Jeep Build

    Yeah but I only had 24" x 48" pieces of wood and in order to make a double baffle with the dimensions I wanted I would of needed a depth of 25" which was the only adjustable variable. Also I only built this box to test out sub/port position front/front, back/back, and up/up I know most say Subs up and port back is loudest but I'd like to try it out for myself. Just givin you the heads up. I really wanted to try the OAs out but the coil config I wanted was on back order for a while. They look pretty good from what you showed us. Keep the pics and vids coming!
  19. EPerez

    My First "Real" Jeep Build

    Next time make the front 1.5" shorter. That way you can fit it between the top and bottom. It'll be flush with the port then. Other than that box looks great! Clean cuts.