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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. EPerez

    Box question

    You would get more room if you put port just on one side and subs on the other.
  2. EPerez

    help for dual sub box for 2 SA 10s

    You have to make sure the box will get into the trunk too unless you build it inside.
  3. Thanks for all the help. My bad about this though. I know it's illegal.
  4. EPerez

    help for dual sub box for 2 SA 10s

    I'm at a buddies house so I don't have my computer to design a box up. The looks of the dimensions look like it'll be more than enough for the 10s though.
  5. EPerez

    help for dual sub box for 2 SA 10s

    No I have a ssa Zcon. I was just sayin where I'm tuned too.
  6. It says you need an account to log in.
  7. EPerez

    help for dual sub box for 2 SA 10s

    I am tuned to 32hz and I hit the lows really good from 27hz up and the highs are still pretty good.
  8. u have to download the program to to download the torrents first i use this one: http://www.utorrent.com/downloads and then u use a site like torrentz.com or http://thepiratebay.se/ to get the actual torrents from. just be careful, read the comments to be sure that its not a virus and u should be good to go I'll definitely check it out. Thanks! no, they're not. If you don't know someone with an account, your chances of joining are very very slim. Invites are closed right now, too. Site is a goldmine, though. All the music u can imagine in many formats. Do you have an account?
  9. Are torrents like limewire and frostwire? How would I get an invite?
  10. I would be broke if I had to only buy cds.
  11. EPerez

    SSA has the goods

    Welcome! SSA makes some badass subs. I have 1 12" Zcon right now with a saz-2500 on it and people are in shock when I tell them it's just 1 12 lol they always say, "damn that's one 12, I thought there was at least 2" lol
  12. EPerez

    help for dual sub box for 2 SA 10s

    Okk well once you get the dimensions we can see what will work best.
  13. EPerez

    help for dual sub box for 2 SA 10s

    By goals, I mean what do you want to accomplish with this setup? Do you just care about getting loud or not care and just want to sound good. Or a mix in between. Do you want to just hit the lows and not care about the upper bass or vice versa.
  14. EPerez

    help for dual sub box for 2 SA 10s

    Post your dimensions, amp, goals, music you listen too.
  15. buy this amp please... he needs money for his TG surgery .....Haha I was embarrassed to say but now that everyone knows let's get it sold. Amp sold=surgery
  16. Cool just let me know. Did you use the Zcon I sold you yet?
  17. EPerez

    wattage for the FI BL 12

    That amp will be just fine. Just make sure the gains are set right so you don't clip it.
  18. EPerez

    Trunk Rebuild

    Badass man!!! Lets see it in the car with subs in it now
  19. EPerez

    what FI sub would you reccomend

    You said you were gonna upgrade power later? I don't know your budget but what about 2 15s? That would be louder than single 15 and 18 if done right.
  20. EPerez

    what FI sub would you reccomend

    How much room, goals? The amp would be great with a q or bl.
  21. EPerez

    Trunk Rebuild

    That's why you got it all to fit. Ill be waitin to see how it all turns out!