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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. EPerez

    EMF Audio Ermagerd 15

    I hate the saying "ermahgerd". My stepbrother says it sometimes and I just wanna punch him in the face lol
  2. Sencheezy explains it good. People were getting pissed off due to the way you acted in the beginning. You came off as some douche who thinks he knows it all. You said all these crazy numbers you put up and I really don't see how that happened. Same with everyone else. At least now your listening and we can get you on the right track.
  3. Look into singer and tenney for H/O Alts since you said you were on a budget. I would say 2 more batteries at least. How many runs of 0 ga do you have now? Also are they ofc or cca? I would run that ^ first and see how it handles the power then add more batteries until it's good. Was this just for competing or was it daily too?
  4. I love when bigjon goes hard like that hahahahahahaha
  5. You THINK you know more than you really do... We're tryin to help you and you aren't listening.
  6. EPerez

    My 1st Hello--

    Hey man! Welcome to ssa.
  7. EPerez

    new here...

    Welcome man!
  8. There ya go, great advice!!! ^^^
  9. I dont know how you just say ok this sub lol I take at least a month to look at all different types of subs that fit my goal and narrow them down to only a few and then compare even more. Ill call companies and ask questions like crazy. But hey that's me
  10. Wow not even close of subs lol you really need to figure shit out before you spend over a grand on subs!!! Your electrical is no where near how it should be to support 6k. Fix that first and then look into subs or else your going to be going through this process again! Evils would do well on that power and should put up good numbers for you.
  11. What's your budget? If no budget I would say some ssa evils or FI sp4s which are more budget friendly.
  12. EPerez

    My subwoofer arrived broken

    They don't care, because it's not their stuff. Also if they break it, they most likely won't have to deal with the customer too.
  13. EPerez

    ANY ONE UP Need help blew subs

    When you run that much power you need a way bigger electrical upgrade. H/O alt with multiple batteries to make sure you are running the amp and subs safely.
  14. EPerez

    New guy from WA

    Welcome to SSA!
  15. EPerez

    Trunk Rebuild

    You are definitely right!!!
  16. EPerez

    help for dual sub box for 2 SA 10s

    The dimensions you posted will fit through the trunk opening?
  17. Nicee let me know when you get it all installed!
  18. If its for daily then you won't hear the extra power you want to give it.
  19. You need a bunch more power to make it noticeable. I know your box is good but try it different positions. If you can't get a gain you like how about a different box?
  20. Are you looking to gain output? Is that why you want more power?
  21. EPerez

    Help w New sound system

    How much room do you have? What music do you listen to? What electrical upgrades do you have? Is this for just everyday? Don't worry about the rear speakers. Just focus on the front speakers.
  22. A lot of my music I have clips very easily and I was wondering where you guys actually download your music from. I'm not saying bass enhanced music that people make, but just normal music you hear that you like and then download it. I use zippyshare to get a lot of my music.