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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. EPerez

    Thinking About Getting An AR-15? Advice?

    Okk I don't want a start up a huge fight of where you can shoot and not. I can and have shot on my property for years. So that's not a concern of mine if I can or not. We will gut and cook our kills no matter what gun I will use. I am not going to use the .223 for deer hunting since it seems more ineffective compared to my shotgun. Also it would most likely just wound it and then lose it. If I feel the need to shoot deer with an AR-15 then I will get a new upper for a .308
  2. EPerez

    Thinking About Getting An AR-15? Advice?

    Just got into class I will reply as soon as I get out!
  3. EPerez

    Thinking About Getting An AR-15? Advice?

    You don't need amps or speakers and might hurt yourself and others. Probably don't know how to properly calibrate them to the highest level of standards either so you shouldn't get them. Come on man, don't be so rude to people. You wouldn't want to be talked to like that would you? It's fine. I can see where he's coming from. There are stupid people out there that don't know how to use it and can kill themselves or others. I do have my hunter's saftey permit and have been shooting all types of guns since I was 9. I'm not a first time shooter. I didn't take any offense to that btw!
  4. EPerez

    Thinking About Getting An AR-15? Advice?

    Near Monroe. The actual town my dad lives in is Maybee. It's between Dundee/Milan and Monroe. We have 20 acres of my dad and grandfather's property next to each other. We hunt rabbits, squirels and deer. We have our own shooting range too. We've been doing it for years and we are good friends with the neighbors. They don't mind.
  5. EPerez

    Thinking About Getting An AR-15? Advice?

    Not sure exactly why, but I've always like the AR-15. I've never shot one though. Me and my dad are going to cabelas tonight to look at them and talk to the people that work there. Maybe tomorrow we will go to a gun shop where they have them. I want to shoot it before I buy it to make sure I do like it.
  6. EPerez

    Thinking About Getting An AR-15? Advice?

    Saw those and yes some say they are. I just sold a bunch of car audio stuff so about $1000 as of now. I do still have more to sell so I would have more though if needed. Obviously I don't NEED it, but to me it would be something I would enjoy a lot. I really like shooting and have the property to go hunting for small game. I will not just shoot to kill. My dad taugh me that if I want to kill an animal I have to eat it.
  7. Get the OFC. It's way better. Also look at welding cable. It's cheaper than car audio cable and does the job just as good.
  8. Do you have the experience and knowledge on how to put 4 15s in a car like that?
  9. EPerez

    upgrade time

    Or better yet buy one icon and put it in a sealed box(since it'll be cheaper) and then order another 15 when you have cash. Then get the box built for both. This way you will have a better setup. Sometimes you have to buy in pieces to get what you want.
  10. EPerez

    upgrade time

    If you go that route there's always great conditioned sa 15s for an inexpensive price. Was your plan to buy the sa15s new?
  11. EPerez

    Please keep my family in your prayers

    I am very sorry Danny. You have my prayers!
  12. What vehicle is it going in? Are all you goin for is a hair trick?
  13. Ill say that it's suprising how loud this 12 can be. I've showed it to people who don't what I have and they are shocked to see its only 12 lol
  14. I might have a ssa Zcon 12 for sale. If your interested we can work something out.
  15. Why not just build a crate for it? The Zcon is a great sub!!
  16. EPerez

    F/S Pre-done Big 3 cut to size needed!

    I cut the wire ends and then put the wire in the hole of the terminal and flatten it with a large hammer. It doesn't come off at all. I've done this for the past big 3s on my 3 cars and 2 of my friends cars and works great.
  17. EPerez

    Happy Birthday Mr. Aaron Clinton

    Happy birthday to a great guy!
  18. EPerez

    upgrade time

    Why not wait another week or how many you need to be able to afford the 2 ssd 15s? How much over your budget are you?
  19. EPerez

    upgrade time

    Yea the icons if you can get a little bit more cash.
  20. EPerez

    Happy Birthday Alton!

    Happy birthday Alton!!!!!!!!
  21. Bump!! Someone buy it