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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. Welcome! What's your budget? And what do you plan to power with it?
  2. EPerez

    When an alarm does no good. ATTN Central Ohio

    Fuck those bitches!!! I hope they get caught. Good thing they got their pictures and finger prints.
  3. EPerez

    Building a better box for MY vehicle

    Try the crescendo. You never know it could somehow be the amp.
  4. EPerez

    Building a better box for MY vehicle

    Ok because I was going to see if it was the rcas or the amp. I've seen both screw up the sound of the system.
  5. EPerez

    SSA GCON 10" vs FI SSD for sealed

    I would lean more towards the ssd with high qts since its more for sealed and I've read many reviews where people were a lot more happy with the gcon ported than sealed.
  6. EPerez

    SSA GCON 10" vs FI SSD for sealed

    What's your budget?
  7. Ohh I know!! I have the one 12 in now front firing with it about half sealed off and it gets pretty loud. If I had a better box in there for it, it would for sure get a shit ton louder lol
  8. EPerez

    NeoPro v.2 Information

    Just to let you know on the mechanical drawing of the 10" model, the cut out and overall diameter measurents are backwards. Some people might misread it and think they can't fit it.
  9. EPerez

    Building a better box for MY vehicle

    Is it loud though? Does it sound like a normal system or is it just not as loud on those frequencies?
  10. Thanks! I thought it was just too much. I really didn't need it to be that loud. Also the weight was an issue too. One Zcon 12 was plenty loud for me lol i then thought of trying the Xcon 12 to make it more of a sq setup than decided fuck it ill get another lol The weight of the Zcon and Xcon are similar but this time I have 2 amps that are smaller than the 3 I had before. Each Xcon is slightly lighter and the box will be made of birch. Also the battery is farther up towards the the front of the car.
  11. Pics will be posted by tomorrow of what I have so far
  12. Don't have the Zcons anymore. I'm doing a build with 2 12" Xcons. I have one now, but waiting on the other. I bought a Xcon motor from Julian on here and ordered a basket/recone from SSA. The basket/recone should be here within 3 weeks. VEHICLE: 2012 cherry red Fusion Sport AUDIO EQUIP: Sundown SA-6.5 comps Sundown SAX-125.2 2 12" SSA Xcons Sundown SAZ-2500 Stock 150a alt Stock batt Diehard Platinum 31m (rear) WeldingSupply Stinger Volt Meter Stock Radio and AudioControl LC2i BOX: Subs and port front firing sealed off from trunk. Most likely around 32hz. NON AUDIO: Tinted windows 5% all around with 35% whole windshield Blue VVME HIDS Red dome lights LED GLOW lights
  13. EPerez

    Alternator or Second 18" Zcon

    I noticed I was able to play longer while my voltage stayed higher at a louder output. So yes it does help out a lot. I went from a 130a to a 275a alt.
  14. EPerez

    Alternator or Second 18" Zcon

    I would go with the alt. That way you won't have the strain on the overall system and alt/batteries.
  15. EPerez

    Buying used subwoofers

    Yea that's a pretty good deal.
  16. EPerez

    Buying used subwoofers

    Push on be cone lightly to see if there is any scratchy noises. Check the coil readings and look at the coil colors. That's what I would do.
  17. EPerez

    Xcon 15" Review

    Yea and basket lol
  18. EPerez

    Wiring 2ampsin parallel

    Your subs shouldn't read different. Is that the final impedance of them or at each voice coil?
  19. EPerez

    Xcon 15" Review

    I know what you mean! I have a Xcon 12 and it sounds amazing! I absolutely love it!! It's my new favorite sub. I bought a motor from Julian on here and ordered a recone from the SSA store. Can't wait to get the other one in.
  20. EPerez

    If you are bored and can vote I'd appreciate it!

    Voted not to crazy into that kind of music but I could deff listen to them!
  21. Hahah he's gotta do what he's gotta do.
  22. So I just popped off the door panel for the front right door of my fusion and I realized that there is a metal piece that covers the actual inside door part. Should I take off the metal piece and do the inside door or should I just put it around where you can see in the pic. I'm using the SDS CLD tiles now and possibly later doing the other 2. Just want to do what's best. Thanks!
  23. My Xcon 12 sounds amazing!! I can't wait to get the other :) thanks SSA for making some damn good products.

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      I like that thinking. :)

    2. altoncustomtech


      Awesome! I can't wait to hear my 10" XCON.....

    3. EPerez


      You're gonna love it man! It sounds so clean!

    4. Show next comments  123 more
  24. Awesome thanks man. What did you do when you worked on them? Are you a mechanic or do you work at an audio shop?
  25. EPerez

    Should I go with 2 12 SSA or 1 12 icon

    Why not some 15s? Looks like you have the room for them.