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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. Meant size of wire for both sub and speakers is good lol Alton answers the rest of the questions and goes into a lot of detail. Whatever he says is right haha he knows his shit! Last thing is if I were you. I would run a 2 channel to a set of components (4 channel if you go active and Alton explains active) and a monoblock class d amp to the sub or subs. This would also be less money.
  2. EPerez

    Z v.4 12 / 15 / 18 -- Parameters and Photos

    People on YouTube are hitting high 40s to low 50s with 2 12s. Don't know how they're metering but I know it's at low hz.
  3. EPerez

    2013 Passat TDI (My Slow Build)

    Box and install looks very nice!! What's the specs on the box? I have 1 12 Xcon right now and it impresses me every time I hear it! I can't wait to get my second one in soon.
  4. EPerez

    I did something wrong with my box. SSD15

    Your port area is very small. I would definitely add more port area. Box size seems pretty small. Idk the box recommendations for the ssd though. When you tune low like 31hz, the high bass like 55hz and up will not be as loud as if the box were tuned to 40hz. If you want I can design you a box. I can make a 3d sketch up and a cut sheet for you so you know it will be built right.
  5. EPerez

    Sundown Flexing Poor Mini Cooper to Death

    Sick video nice work on the box!!
  6. EPerez

    95 Honda Accord Build Crossfire XS-V2 18"

    Your install looks so clean man!!! Are you gonna paint the port? I'd do red
  7. 1. Yea they have RCA splitters for that. 2. I wouldn't use the rear 6x9s if you're using a sub. 3. It doesn't matter if you run a 5k rms amp on a 500 rms sub lol you will be ok. 4. I don't know if I missed something but I would just run a 2 channel (unless you want to go active then 4 channel) for the front speakers and a mono for the sub. Not sure why you would need all those amps. 5. Fuck the capacitors. It's useless. Someone can explain better than me why they are. 6. Speaker size is good. 7. Same ground is fine. Just make sure it's good and not some flimsy sheet metal. 8/9. Not really sure what else would be missing. Gave advice above! Hope that helps
  8. Just landed in Vegas!!!

    1. jcarter1885


      Have fun man, how long are you staying?

    2. Shogen


      what you doing there???

    3. EPerez


      Stayin the 12th to the 22nd so 10 days. Me and my family are visiting my grandma. Sucks I'm only 19 lol but we still have a ton of fun out here!

  9. EPerez

    Sundown X-series dimensions?

    I would at least so 2 4" or 1 6"
  10. EPerez

    Sundown X-series dimensions?

    Are you building it in the trunk?
  11. EPerez

    Sundown X-series dimensions?

    What are your max external dimensions? Ill see what would be best.
  12. Thanks guys. My parents and everyone keeps saying the same thing! I'm really happy with how it turned out!
  13. When are you coming out to the Midwest???
  14. You wouldn't be able to tell it's a 3rd baffle.
  15. It's double baffle right? I would just add another layer to make it flush.
  16. For my box for 2 12" xcons I want to something that is lighter than mdf. What are some other types of wood people use to build light weight boxes? I was looking at Baltic birch 13 ply that can be ordered from my local hardware store at my dads for around 95 shipped there. At the Home Depot by my house has birch (not baltic) 5 ply. How much better is 13 ply than the 5? I want to call the flint lumber yard and see how much their 13 ply BB is. Is there anything less expensive that people use but is also lighter than mdf?
  17. I'm not sure if it but I don't think so.
  18. Thanks Aaron! SSA has great products and customer service! Why wouldn't I stay with you guys?
  19. Thanks man. I might try to do it again. I was in a rush last time. Maybe that's why it was bad and it didn't work. Whenever I do get them installed I'll let you know how they are.
  20. No they're not. They don't fit in the 2012 fusion The 12 has 5x7 speakers. I tried making an adapter out of mdf but it wouldn't fit right. I'm just going to wait til I get the 2013 fusion. The 13 has 6.5s so it will fit.
  21. Thanks Alton! It will be complete after I get back from Vegas. The box is all complete. I am going to paint it when I get back. I think it's braced pretty good