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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. Yea no problem man. That's what the forum is here for
  2. Please don't post in this one. Mods delete. Thanks.
  3. I'm sure most of you know that the Decaf music can be downloaded at Ram-Designs.com, but that's only the new music he re did. If anybody wants the old music I have Zips 1-32 before he took those down. There's a lot of songs that he deleted from the new music. A lot of good music like bass ballin', Slow Decaf in the hurse, Magic by Future and more. I don't know if there's anyway I can share it with people online. But if anyone wants to send me a usb or anything like that I will put all the music on that. Also I guess if anyone trusts me, you can send me your ipod and I can put all the music on that too. On his new zips, and the songs I liked from his old ones, I went ahead and re named all the songs, so all songs have artists and songs are properly named. Decaf's new zips have the music's artists have multiple artists. I'm very anal about my music looking good for easy finding. I think I have a pretty good reputation on here and others will vouch for me that you can trust me I AM IN NO WAY TAKING MONEY FOR THIS SINCE IT'S NOT MY MUSIC!! YOU JUST PAY SHIPPING THERE AND BACK. So just let me know if you want decaf's music and I can help you out!!
  4. EPerez

    Two 15's = double the ft^3?

    What is the sub you are using? I doubt it would fit through the trunk opening. You will probably have to build it in the trunk. You will have to add more port area too.
  5. Why are you suppose to put the subsonic ~~3hz below? So if I have my box tuned to 32 and I set the filter to 29, wouldn't the amp not play below 29?The guys above me explained it. It's actually suppose to be set some specific way with equations or something but a few hz below tuning is a pretty good way to do it.
  6. What's your tuning? Put the subsonic like 3hz below tuning. Set your low pass to around 80. Then turn your headunit volume up 75%. Then go to amp and turn the gain up until you hear distortion. Back off just a little bit once you hear it.
  7. EPerez

    Newbie box design

    I hate when that happens!!!! The crescendos are great amps. I had 2 bc2ks and I loved them. If you want to get the c1100.4 just to match the 3500 then I guess that's fine but you don't need it. You don't even need that many speakers. One set of components up front would be plenty. Ssa does show recommend box size on their website. http://products.soundsolutionsaudio.com/index.php/product-information/xcon.html Go all the way down and it says enclosure recommendations. I use Torres box calc. Type in Torres box calculator in google and it'll be the first one on S M D forum.
  8. EPerez

    F/S Pre-done Big 3 cut to size needed!

    Yea I am. I'm on vacation till Thursday though.
  9. EPerez

    2013 Passat TDI (My Slow Build)

    Uhh well I guess I really didn't need that much and the weight was an issue. I wanted to get some money back so I could buy my AR15. I have another 12 coming so ill have 2 xcons on the 2500
  10. EPerez

    FS: 2 DC XL m1 15s & 2 BC2000d's

    This guy hasn't been online since February. Just lettin you guys know!
  11. EPerez

    Z v.4 12 / 15 / 18 -- Parameters and Photos

    No way to tell you man. Pretty much only way is to actually test both of them out. Might do a lot better on the lows, but I don't know how the mojos do on the lows. The z v.4 and X series were designed to be brutal on the lows.
  12. Chris from DB-r is an awesome guy. Made my buy from him very easy. Answered all my questions. I bought a refurbished saz2500 and it works great! And yea Sundown's name speaks for itself.
  13. Haha Jon http://www.db-r.com/sell/store2/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=65_67_69_125&products_id=350
  14. EPerez

    Xcon 15

    Xcons are badass subs. My 12 is loud as ballssss
  15. Check your last thread. I posted an amp suggestion in there.
  16. EPerez

    Box specs

    I would try and get better quality. It doesn't have to be 1200 rms since a few hundred watts wont make a difference. I would look at used. Check http://www.db-r.com/sell/store2/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=65_67_69_125&products_id=350 out. I bought a sundown saz2500 from there which was refurbished and it works like a brand new one. Comes with a 1 year db-r warranty too. $289 plus shipping. Better than hifonics!
  17. EPerez

    Box specs

    I can check for you. What tuning would you want? And how much power?
  18. EPerez

    Newbie box design

    You sure you saw my designs? Lol thanks man! If you need any help with it let me know. I think the 2 d3400s and the stock battery will be good with a HO alt. check out singer! I would suggest some xcons man! I have 1 12 right now on ~1000 rms and it slams so hard. Sounds absolutely amazing doing it too. If you want more output but still sounding good than zcons. But xcons get super loud too. I can't wait to get 2 12s on 2500 rms. What are you powering with the c1100.4? What kind of music do you listen too?
  19. EPerez

    06 Charger - Fi, AQ, SHCA.....more to come!

    I'm on vacation till next week so I can then!
  20. EPerez

    very sad today

    I'm very sorry man. He sounded like a great guy.
  21. EPerez

    06 Charger - Fi, AQ, SHCA.....more to come!

    What I did was jus measure the distance from the box to the side and then up. Cut a wood to that measurements and if it curves on the top like mine then take your piece you cut and hold it up next to the box and use a pencil to trace the curve. I don't know if that make sense, but if it doesn't I can take a buch of pics showing you what I mean!
  22. EPerez

    2013 Passat TDI (My Slow Build)

    Your design. Remember. . 2.8cubes @33. Due to my amateur woodworking skills I think the tuning ended up being 31.5 ish tho. Yes now I do!! It was a while ago and I've designed a few more boxes since then. Turned out good man!
  23. EPerez

    Newbie box design

    I don't recommend running 18s if you want the cooler and that's the biggest you can go. I would run 15s. I explained before why because of the port area and already small box volume. I'm pretty sure the 15s would get louder and sound a million times better.I design boxes too. If you want I can help you make one for some 15s. We can make it as wide and tall as it can go and then make the depth the shortest we can go while still keeping it optimal. This way you should still be able to fit coolers and more stuff in there. As for power, I am 100% fine with 2500 rms and 2 12s. Adding that 2500 will get you louder but it's going to cost a lot to get that little extra bit louder. I don't see it worth it IMO since its for daily. Even for two 2500s you don't need dual Alts. 1 high output alt would be plenty. How many/what kind of batteries do you have? What's your budget for subs only?
  24. EPerez

    Newbie box design

    What 18s are you going to run? When designing a box you design it for that specific sub. Can't really design a box if you don't have a sub figured out. Also your port area is small for 2 18s. That's around what 2 15s use. Port area is very important. Do you really need that cooler? The way I see it from what you have is either 2 15s or ditch the cooler. The box size is just a tad under what most 18s need and adding more port area will decrease the box volume and increase tuning (while leaving same port length). Edit: Just noticed you have the port and subs facing different ways. That's not a good idea. Can't remember exactly why but I think it's a cancellation issue or something. Somebody else can explain why.
  25. EPerez

    06 Charger - Fi, AQ, SHCA.....more to come!

    Nicee! Are you going to carpet/paint the box? Also since its facing forward, are you gonna seal it off?