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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. EPerez

    sub getting hot

    Also where is your ssf set at? You can throw the dimensions into a calculator and see. http://www.bitpusher.in/?p=ported
  2. EPerez

    sub getting hot

    Are you playing a lot of songs below tuning? Are you sure you're tuned to 33hz and not higher?
  3. EPerez

    WTT/WTB havocs, Fi Q, IDMAX, or similar

    Idk why but I wa thinking of my zcons when I had them and they were d2s so they would wire to .5 or 2. That's my bad lol If its for daily then just run 1 ohm. I mean that's what I would do but if you wanna run below that's your choice.
  4. EPerez

    WTT/WTB havocs, Fi Q, IDMAX, or similar

    Two dual 1 ohm subs run at 1 ohm. Why would you run it below that? Haha Rick! I was thinking of my last system when I was writing that
  5. EPerez

    WTT/WTB havocs, Fi Q, IDMAX, or similar

    What amp do you have?
  6. EPerez

    WTT/WTB havocs, Fi Q, IDMAX, or similar

    I got 2 12" Xcon I want to sell. They're dual 1 ohms though. But I should tell you that I have a full Xcon 12 and an Xcon motor. I have a recone and basket coming which should be here within a week. Once I get that I am going to recone it. They don't need a lot of power to get loud. The 1 12 on ~1200 rms was flexing my car pretty good and people were amazed it was 1 12 lol Pm me if you're interested
  7. I'm definitely going to buy that book. Thanks Quentin.
  8. I want to use 2 6" or 1 8" for my next box since it will allow me to tune lower and also give me more internal space using the same dimensions. But on the face of the box I can't actually use a flare like the one Adrian has or the ones that partexpress sells, because it won't fit. Now can I use a round over bit on the port opening of the wood to make it a flare? Pic below is how I made a box for 4 15s and I had 4 6" pvc pipes. It's double baffled. The front baffle was used as .75" of the port length since the pvc didn't go all the way out of the box. It only went into the inner baffle. So can I use a round over bit to make the outer baffle a flare by using the bit? I'm not sure how big of a bit I would use, but a little flare is better than nothing right?
  9. Quentin, if the coil overhang is around ~20 then it would need a lot less port area then what we thought right? http://www.carstereo.com/help/Articles.cfm?id=31 I used this and put in 2 for amount of subs, 22 for xmax, and 29 for tuning and it came out to 9.43" diameter or 69in2 of port area. Why is that so low??
  10. By doing great, I mean by numbers. They put up good numbers with the size ports I would use.
  11. Does anyone know how much the x 12s need at 29hz? I got around 90 at 17 m/s port Mach speed. I don't see why 2 6" aeros wouldn't work. Jacob was using 1 6" with the z v.4. Also I see people doing great with 1 8".
  12. Jacob was using a 6" aero for the box for the 12" z v.4 on a saz3500 at .5 ohms. He said it was doing good with it like that. Doesn't the X need less port area than the z v.4?
  13. I cant put a 10 since the width is only 35". Does using aeros lower the amount of port area needed? If so how much? How much port area do you guys recommended needed? I want to tune to 29hz.
  14. What would you recommend for port area then?Or what size aero?
  15. 2 6" aeros wouldn't be enough? I thought it would be pretty good.
  16. I'm gonna put an saz2500 to 2 sundown X 12s.
  17. I think I should buy that book, probably answer a lot of my questions. Thanks Quentin.
  18. I know I just wish I could understand it haha
  19. I think I'll just flare them for the look anyways. I've also been reading it's best to do 1 single aero port vs multiple. How come? So would 1 8 be better than 2 6s?
  20. So should I just try it straight first and then if there is any port noise should I then use a router to flare them?
  21. Well 2 6" is ~56in2 of port area and 1 8" is ~50in2 of port aero. Wouldn't it make it more efficient or better somehow if it is flared?
  22. EPerez

    Ascendant Mayhem 12"

    It won't handle it daily. And it was probably a burp. Also just because its on a 12k doesn't mean it's getting 12k rms.
  23. EPerez

    2 12" zcons 4-6k trunk wall

    Should be soon. Ours were ordered within a week of each other..... you going to come watch my zcon get blown? Lol Not sure ill be able too. I'm busy the nxt to weeks with work and gettin ready for school. You better video tape it!
  24. EPerez

    2 12" zcons 4-6k trunk wall

    Lucky! Wish mine was
  25. EPerez

    F/S Pre-done Big 3 cut to size needed!

    I'm not to sure. I think one would be fine and just have a jumper cable from the 1st to 2nd batt under the hood.