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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. EPerez

    How Long Will Fi Car Audio last

    The company has a lot of happy customers so I don't see why not.
  2. EPerez

    Sundown X12 Box

    You're gonna love it man!! Within the last week, showing off my system, I've gotten countless compliments. Everyone said they were extremely loud, some said loudest they've ever heard. Not only did they say how loud they were but said they sounded amazing too!!
  3. EPerez

    Greetings from Jackson, MS

    Welcome to SSA!!
  4. EPerez

    Sundown X12 Box

    No problem man!
  5. EPerez

    Sundown X12 Box

    You should have a double baffle. I would try to get more port area too. Like around 50.
  6. EPerez

    I almost feel guilty

    When I meet up with you on Wednesday ill look at it.
  7. Don't boost his ego I'm the best haha jk thanks though! I'm only kidding if that came across wrong. The booze is talking lol.No no you're all good haha I knew it was a joke
  8. Don't boost his ego I'm the best haha jk thanks though!
  9. EPerez

    X reviews?

    I just want to see it... didn't realize people can't share a video just cuz you wanna show off your shit... he has a new setup and I want to see ... lol .. also ... curious*** :-p Yea I wasn't trying to prove anything. Was just going to post a video of two of them playing and all that. I know videos don't prove anything.
  10. EPerez

    X reviews?

    I will take vids! I was busy today and work the now but this weekend you will see some!
  11. EPerez

    Happy Birthday Adrian!

    Happy birthday man! Enjoy it!
  12. EPerez

    X reviews?

    How do they stand up to Xcons? Shizzzon is right. I can't give a real answer since I have 2 Xs instead of 1 Xcon. Also boxes are different but I can say they both sound awesome!0
  13. EPerez

    X reviews?

    Holy fuck do these subs get loud!! And low too!! They sound really good and the highs aren't as bad as you think!
  14. EPerez

    Z v.4 15/18 and some additional 12s In!

    That's a lot of bad ass subs
  15. EPerez

    Flatline SALE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hell of a sale!! Good luck with your company!
  16. EPerez

    new 20.1 question

    You're a douche. They're only trying to help you not fuck up your system and make you think about things you might not have thought but since you're a know it all go for it.
  17. Big 3 and a second batt in the back should do it. If you don't plan to upgrade more than a g34 size batt should suffice. If you might upgrade to more power then get a g31 batt.
  18. EPerez

    X reviews?

    I will be getting 2 12s tomorrow. Hopefully will be able to put them in. I am all about the low frequencies so I'm sure I will love these subs. Ill let you know what I think of them when I get them in.
  19. EPerez

    SSA ZCON 12" D2 $400 shipped OBO

    Bump for amazing sub and great guy!
  20. EPerez

    box for 2 15's FI Audio SP4's

    Was that suppose to be for me in pm? Haha
  21. EPerez

    WTT - Fi BL 15" and RF T-1000bd

  22. EPerez

    WTT - Fi BL 15" and RF T-1000bd

    I don't know if you were planning on just buying anything. I have 1 Xcon 12 d1 and another Xcon motor with a 12" Xcon recone and basket that should be here in a week or so.
  23. EPerez

    possible ideas for a jeep wrangler.

    You don't have the vehicle so how do you know how much room you will have? How do you know 2 12s will even fit properly?
  24. EPerez

    CA guy just saying hi

    Welcome!! 2012 fusion owner here! If you need help with anything let me know.
  25. EPerez

    sub getting hot

    Ok try that calc and see if your port length comes out to the one they give when you plug everything in.