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Everything posted by EPerez

  1. EPerez

    Tuning and Port Area Correlation

    What should the vent mach be? Nice site btw!!!
  2. Ok, I tried to do some research about tuning and port area, so I didn't have to make a thread. I read a thread on smd and they were saying 10sqin per cube was better for low tuning and then others were saying other things like more the better so I don't know which is right. A lot of misleading information out there!! Much rather ask here and know I'm getting the right answer lol I'm most likely going to be ask pro-rabbit for a design once I am sure of my measurements,It'd be nice to know exactly what it should be, so I can expand my knowledge. I would like to know for my system specifically, but also in general. EQUIPMENT: Subs: 2 SSA Zcon 12s Amp: 2 Crescendo BC2000s(wont use full power due to not enought electrical lol) Vehicle: 2012 Fusion Box placement: Subs and port front firing sealed off from trunk. Port in middle. Rough dimensions: 14h x 35w x 33d(? not sure yet) GOALS: I loveee the lowsss and would like to tune around 29-31. I would like my system to play 25-45 with authority. I dont care too much about the upper bass 50-60. I don't really care about numbers really. I want this to be a daily ground pounder that can move A LOT of air Would that be a good tuning for that? How much port area should this box have?? Since height is 14". The height of the port will be 12.5" so width will determine the port area. Thanks in advanced! Edit: I like the low tuning, because when I demo for friends and people low tuning is better and louder to ear(right?). Normal listening by myself is turned down and isn't blaring to the max, so the sq will be better to. Also here are t/s parameters Fs 37.7 / 36.8 Qms 6.01 / 6.12 Qes 0.24 / 0.24 Qts 0.26 / 0.26 Mms 212 / 222 Sd 481 / 481 Vas 24.4 / 24.4 Spl 90.7 / 90.3 Bl 17.74 / 25.2 Xmax 29 / 29 mm Wattage 2250wRMS Displacement 0.19cuft
  3. EPerez

    Tuning and Port Area Correlation

    Before that's what I thought but then after very respectable people told that it is more based on the sd, tuning and xmax. I had it in torres with a min of 6"
  4. EPerez

    Holy frig.. caseys done something iv never seen.

    That's awesome!!! You had too get a shot of that sexy truck huh?
  5. EPerez

    95 Honda Accord Build Crossfire XS-V2 18"

    Thanks man! I was just going to paint mine but with how nice you did it I wanna do it with carpet now!
  6. EPerez

    Long time no see

    I'll give you about 4 months
  7. EPerez

    95 Honda Accord Build Crossfire XS-V2 18"

    Just went through your build and it looks so nicee!! Very professional looking. What kind of carpet did you use for the box and panels?
  8. EPerez

    torres box calc.?

    Net volume is the amount of space the subs get.
  9. EPerez


    What coil config is your current sub?
  10. EPerez


    That hifonics amp is going to require more power to run it at the same level as the soundstream since it's a class a/b amp. The SS is more efficient. Just something to think about. What subs are you using?
  11. EPerez

    Long time no see

    Awesome can't wait to see it man!
  12. What size alternator do you have? If your running it at 2 ohms with that amp you most likely wont need a second batt. Just do big 3 and you should be good. However, if you do upgrade subs and decide to run it at 1 ohm I'd say get a second batt.
  13. How many opinions do you want? They're quality amps that will get the job done.
  14. EPerez

    Long time no see

    You better make a build log of that!! Gonna be crazy lol
  15. EPerez

    Long time no see

    Damn that's a big upgrade haha parents might not like that tho
  16. EPerez

    Long time no see

    Aight man just trying to get you to think about all the other options. That way you won't regret gettin the t2 and then wanting more later on But its a pretty good deal ur gettin on the sub tho!
  17. EPerez

    Long time no see

    If I were you jus go with the zcon or some top end sub from all the other companies. Then get a good amp to push it hard in that lowww tuned box
  18. I just checked and it didn't say there was a back order or anything like that on the SSA store.
  19. EPerez

    Long time no see

    Yea I guess it's not that bad then. So you want to do a single sub setup? 1 15 then?
  20. Ohh gotcha. But yes they're a very reliable and a great company. I find it odd that you're having trouble gettin a hold of them. Try it again. They might just be super busy right now or something came up. I know a tried to get a hold of singer alts but he was out of town and got back to me as soon as he got back. could be the same or similar situation with Navid. If I wire you I wouldn't hesitate to order that amp!
  21. You wont get the whole 3500 watts period, every amp has an efficiency rating usually between 70-85% (plus or minus some) depending on the amp. You will be amazed at how many watts your sub will receive from the amp and how much is turned into heat. Hmm so it sends out X amount of watts and only a certain amount of that X amount will be received by the sub and the rest will just be heat?
  22. Crescendo's phone: 941-257-4767 10am-6pm EST Crescendo's email: [email protected] try those again and how come you want to get a hold of them?
  23. They are only responsible for what they cover warranties for. Check out what that is on their website. However, I have never had a problem getting a hold of them. Navid has always called me back when I called him. He also answered all my emails within a day. There was only problem with them. I blew one of my amps a while ago and I told Navid it was my fault and I would like a repair since it wasn't under warranty. He gave me all the info for returning it. I sent it to a place that repairs Crescendo amps. Long story short my amp was lost. Nobody knew where it was! UPS had signature from the amp repair place but he had no idea where it was. He was calling me daily letting me know the progress of the situation. Navid and him worked it out and sent me a BRAND NEW amp. Shit happens but at least they took care of me The only thing I can say is make sure you have the right email and phone number.
  24. I'm sure a lot of people will say crescendo because of skars owner. Are you trying to put the most power to the sub? If so you really wont hear an audible gain in output with 4500rms and 3500. I'd say stick with the crescendo. Its cheaper and plenty of power!
  25. Yes all the power that your amp will be able to make will go to the sub. Might not get the whole 3500+ unless your electrical is good. Bridging is taking multiple channels and making them into one. I'm not sure what the middles are for though. I only used them when I strapped amps.