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Everything posted by ImReady77

  1. ImReady77

    MJ-18M Beginning Production

    are there any updates available?
  2. ImReady77

    Weekend Fun - MJ-18M + SD-12k

    thats crazy
  3. ImReady77


    LOL!!! I heard that before. Is that Gangsta Nip or Bushwick Bill?
  4. ImReady77

    Mach 5 MJ-18M vs. RE Audio SX18

    Does that sx have a quad stack magnet? Isn't that box big for an MJ?
  5. ImReady77

    Time for some fun

    Those look sweet!
  6. ImReady77

    Time for some fun

    hahahaha... some day you'll have to come down here and we can have our balls slap together... ok ok.. that was just wrong. But back to the build. I havn't been able to do jack chit up here due to chitty weather. And I dont have a garage to do anything in so it's going to happen outside. Tomorrow if I get my house cleaning done in reasonable time I'll get started on the centerpiece. AWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!! Good luck with the build.
  7. ImReady77

    SPL-15's, IXL's Finally In!!

    could you post pics of the ixl-18 and mj-18m?
  8. ImReady77

    Baskets Available

    how many?
  9. ImReady77

    Ordering new BTL???

    Since I dont usually get anything for my birthday I'll be ordering a fully loaded 18 as a personal gift in July.
  10. ImReady77

    New BTL's.....Exclusive pics tonite :D

    The sweet thing about this new design is that it doesn't look like all the other big triple stack subwoofers that have been coming out lately.
  11. ImReady77

    New BTL's.....Exclusive pics tonite :D

    damn those look sweet!!!!
  12. yea and i want one bad and im not even into sq yet lol.
  13. ImReady77


    from what i've been reading on termpro the 3000d-pro is the one to get.
  14. ImReady77

    xover for bullet tweeters

    Coustic xm6 here.
  15. ImReady77

    New Exodus Drivers!

    Check out the .pdf in the "information library" on the Tempest X page and it will show each of the sealed and ported designs for home audio. If it is for car audio then make changed accordingly. yea it was for car audio.
  16. ImReady77

    New Exodus Drivers!

    do you know what box size sealed and ported do the tempest-x like?
  17. ImReady77

    2007 Death Penalty's

    I wonder how much that 21" is goin to weigh.
  18. ImReady77

    Which to get....?

    read this
  19. ImReady77

    my little review of the 18" bl's...

    good review!!! lol
  20. ImReady77

    Which to get....?

    Which options would i need with the BL....? for daily pounding. I dont want to shell out 40 bucks for cooling if im not going to need it if it was me i would at least get the full cooling and the daily option just to be safe.
  21. ImReady77

    4 mj 18's

    thanks for the info. I plan on putting 4 of those mj's in my astro.
  22. ImReady77

    New XBL^2 Manufacturers

    that sdx15 looks like a sweet subwoofer. I wish they made 18's.
  23. ImReady77

    4 mj 18's

    how big is that box and what's it tuned to? How much port area is he using?
  24. ImReady77


    do you have any pix?