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Everything posted by ImReady77

  1. ImReady77

    Mine came in too.

    double post
  2. ImReady77

    Mine came in too.

    those look very nice. they look way bigger and better than i thought. the logo adds a nice touch.
  3. ImReady77

    Memphis MSYNC8 questions

    they'll get lower for sure. louder maybe. and they'll work fine in door, jsut seal it up well, and you'll love those 8's. if the right offer is made, i might be tempted to pull my sq 6.5s out and sell them to ya, lol. i've got a pair of kicker ss 6.5s on my floor waiting to go in.... with a pair of rmb8 midbasses...hehe wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee dont tempt me. I would do a 3-way with those msq6's and msync8 mids and sell the tweeters and crossovers from the msync set. lol, your tempted. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you got pm
  4. I just ordered some Memphis MSYNC8 comp. and I was wonder how much power would you recommend on these ran active and what crossover points do you recommend? Which is better for these, passive or active? Coaxial or separate? If you own or heard them, how do you like them? Thanks.
  5. ImReady77

    Memphis MSYNC8 questions

    they'll get lower for sure. louder maybe. and they'll work fine in door, jsut seal it up well, and you'll love those 8's. if the right offer is made, i might be tempted to pull my sq 6.5s out and sell them to ya, lol. i've got a pair of kicker ss 6.5s on my floor waiting to go in.... with a pair of rmb8 midbasses...hehe wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee dont tempt me. I would do a 3-way with those msq6's and msync8 mids and sell the tweeters and crossovers from the msync set.
  6. ImReady77

    Memphis MSYNC8 questions

    The good news is you could probably use the parts express dayton tweet with this set up and the 8" mid will reach down lower and should have a little more midbass. I wouldn't be mad, If you are after output than these should work pretty good for you, if you are after all out spl, you would definitely have some issues with the msync's. are you talkin about the RS28A-4's? Does anyone have experience with the Max Fi NEO30's?
  7. ImReady77

    Memphis MSYNC8 questions

    I knew i should have got the msq6's instead since I loved the way they sounded but since i was after spl i figured the msync8's would be louder. DAMN!!!
  8. ImReady77

    Memphis MSYNC8 questions

    it seems i might have made a mistake buying these. I cant do kicks because my feet are too big and I would hate to have to spend $100 more dollars on these for the silk tweets.
  9. ImReady77

    I need some opinions

    I'm currently saving up money for a system but I'm kinda having a hard time deciding on a subs. My options are 4 Mach 5 MJ18's or 4 Fi SSD15's. I want a loud daily driver and I would only do local comps, maybe. They would be put in their recommended ported box and they will be run off of a SAZ-3000d when it comes out. I know the SSD's are going to be more than double the cost of the mj18's but if they're worth it I would get them. What should I do?
  10. ImReady77

    I need some opinions

    Well, I have an astro van so i have space for both. Other than appearance, the ssd's advantage is displacement. The options aren't important because I don't plan to ever go over the 3000 or so watts that the SAZ-3000D makes. Besides the options is the price difference worth it output wise? Does cone area make up for the lack of xmax in this comparison? Thanks.
  11. ImReady77


    those look real nice!!!
  12. ImReady77


    how heavy is that thing?
  13. ImReady77

    Which setup would you pick?

    thats what i would do.
  14. ImReady77

    Tons of new ITEMS in the store

    that's sweet!!!
  15. ImReady77

    Ported box fr mj-18

    What sized ported box do you recommend for the mj-18? I want to use 4 of them. I have an Astro so I have plenty of room. Thanks.
  16. ImReady77

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    yea how about u make the "V" black and outline it in white and take the red outline off of the m part.
  17. ImReady77

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    I like this one.
  18. ImReady77

    Pics of the new proto

  19. ImReady77

    Wow, break in ftw!

    thats crazy
  20. ImReady77

    it's alive

    u could always drive to a park or something to get vids.
  21. ImReady77

    Amp for 4 SSD15's

    I'm saving up for 4 SSD15's with flatwind coils and I need some ideas for an amp or amps for them. I wont be competing and i will make the necessary electrical upgrades. The SSD's will be in a ported box. I want to use the ZX2500.1 or wait for the SAZ-3000D but any suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
  22. ImReady77

    High Excursion Drivers

    wow!!! whats the power handling goin to be on these?
  23. ImReady77

    High Excursion Drivers

    any updates?
  24. ImReady77

    Amp for 4 SSD15's

    would the zx2500.1 be ok at 1ohm daily?
  25. ImReady77

    New Prototypes! Pics.

    those look nice. how long is the saz-3000d?